various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @MarkCollett )
Those who constantly talk about the over representation of white people in white countries never seem to complain about the massive over representation of another ethnic group...

spoilerLess than 0.5% of the UK
"Rishi reshuffle: The Jewish movers
and shakers in Sunak's new
Seven key ministers in Rishi
Sunak's government are either
Jewish, descended from Jews, or
married to Jews"

( @ZikaBaby )
@MarkCollett The Jew has traditionally relied on Irishmen as agents against Anglo-Saxon power due to their historical grievances and the Irishman's natural fiery rage.

Now the trend is to use Indians, who are more subservient and cruel towards the downtrodden, and whose actions aren't limited by Christian morality in any shape or form. They are also more keen to work against the white race as a way of giving payback for colonialism.

( @Illusionofchoice )

( @DerrickPith )
@MarkCollett The destruction of white Britain will be swift and soon. Sad, but the Brits have lost their balls to fight foreigners.

( @1488Mussolini )

( @James1503 )
@MarkCollett ,🤔 and there in lies the problem!!!!! Deep State Cabal Jews are everywhere.
They have infiltrated every walk of life !
God gave us all that is good , Satan gave us the opposite, and the worst are the
"Parasites " they feed of their host and give nothing in return ,just like communist Jews and Muslims 🤨 Not all Jews are communist but the majority are 👹
Until God's children deal with Satan's minions, wars,famines, dangerous drugs,murders, rapists,child abusers will continue their push for world domination and the death of us God's children 😪



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