mangoorangejuice18 , HippyDippyCommieGuy & FakeElectionMaker #wingnut

RE: I had an anxiety attack due to an argument over abortion in a discord server.
I’m sorry you went through that, anxiety attacks can be so mentally, emotionally, and physically draining.

I don’t know the exact arguments they used but as far as the rape exception not being consistent with Prolife (which you’re correct) I’ll leave some breadcrumbs I might have throw out there;

How should we treat innocent members of the human family who happen to remind us of traumatic events?

If the right to life means anything it means the right to not be killed. If that right can be taken away from an innocent human based on the violent actions of a third party that occurred before that innocent human being even came into existence, then the right to life starting at conception stands on no solid ground.


I couldn't refute the view that being against abortion while supporting an exception for underage rape victims was consistent. And someone else said it's better to be aborted than to suffer.

You could make the argument that since the woman didn’t consent to the act of sex during rape, the pregnancy would be a violation of her right to bodily autonomy; where as consensual sex leading to pregnancy is not.

As far as the second comment, that says more about that person than it does anything else.

If they think they’re life is meaningless, and they would’ve been better off aborted, then that’s sad, but it only applies to them.

It isn’t a fact, it’s an asinine opinion; and honestly, I don’t think there’s any reason to take it seriously

That person had asked if we wanted to punish women for their choices. Pro-choicers believe this argument implies women should be punished for having sex, as to them, we see children as a consequence

They purposely mistake responsibility with punishment.

The real punishment is dismembering the child for the crimes of the father and calling it justice.



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