Blackpill Rage #racist #sexist

[RageFuel] Currywhores and sandwhores are quickly catching up to noodlewhore's whitu cocku onrry policy.

It's well established within the blackpill community that the smv hierarchy of the 3 deathnic races are rice>sand>curry (the triangle of death). The only reason ricecels seem to have it particularly bad is because of noodlewhore's disturbing rate of whitu cocku onrry. HOWEVER, more and more sand and currywhores are adopting the same white cock only policy and brutally shitting on the men of their own race.

Not even Islam can save us. It is so fucking catastrophically over for sand and curries. I don't even think there is a proper word in the English language to describe how over it is for us.

The racepill gets stronger by the day.

There are many bluepilled copers on this site that STILL deny the racepill.

The future generations will be all hapas with white mixing. Pure ethnic races will go extinct

And at the same time White smv will sky rocket even more (as if it wasn't insanely high already).



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