ex illuminati #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I may be killed for leaking part of the masterscript

Once they close the borders, starting with 2 countries.

April: Corona doubles in West Europe

Some countries not prepared

Then major incident May/June happens related to US-Russia

Internet lines will be cut

Combination of No internet / No Information Plus Increase Corona

All borders on lock-down

In the end phase selected cities on lockdown for the Purge

Then the shootings start happening

They release all the Manchurians at once in 28 memberstates

Hidden citizens with arms license will do havoc in the dark

It will be bad... police has no idea what is going on

Police suicides start

Then the Poles Shift... Banks fall due to 3 new problems

The Russian flag will fly over Europe but first a Biblical Islamic- Christian war for 13 years

Then the Children will be discarded (already ongoing)
image(Shocked cat: I HAVE SEEN THE END. No one was spared, not even THE CHILDREN]



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