You are really hung up on porn aren't you? The fact is that people see normal heterosexual porn without condoms as natural. It is only the homosexual community that tries point it out as "See lookie at them having unsafe sex". ALL HOMOSEXUAL sex is UNSAFE, DANGEROUS, AND REVOLTING. Don't muddle the issue by trying to say that heterosexuals are hypocrites because we must be casually condoning heterosexual sex when we see a condomless penis entering a vagina. That is natural, and heterosexuals shouldn't have to be made to feel guilty about natural sex, although the gay community would like to push the pressure on us to...thereby deflecting some criticism.
Let's face it. I can have MUCH more unprotected straight sex without the odds of contracting any disease compared to the average gay man having sex a couple of times. No Brian If I have one unsafe casual sexual encounter this past year I am NOT disgusting. Straight sex is considered normal irrespective of whether it was without a condom. The gay community would love to have that type of reaction be a scapegoat for their shortcomings, but the sad fact is once again... IT IS NORMAL. Riddle me this question batman? When you go to donate blood do they ask questions about my straight heterosexual activity? Nope. Guess what? THEY DO ask about any homosexual activity. Why? Ohh wait... that's right... you can't donate. You are deferred due to your risky behaviors. I'm not deferred. I guess the medical community doesn't worry about my casual one night stand compared to your lifestyle.
Damnit man, that rule is a hold over from when your crowd was claiming that AIDs was a punishment from God for homosexuals.
Back when you guys kept screaming that only homosexuals can get AIDs (false by the way). The only reason it hasn't been changed is because people like you are homophobes.
If I see a guy not wearing a condom in a porn, I do NOT think it's a good thing. I think it's damn stupid, actually. Like not wearing a helmet on a construction site.
But jerkoff's got a point about the blood donation thing. That isn't fair to assume gay people just don't use protection. Doesn't all the blood get tested anyway?
"Let's face it. I can have MUCH more unprotected straight sex without the odds of contracting any disease compared to the average gay man having sex a couple of times."
Six months later, UnReality Check makes an anonymous visit to the free clinic...
The blood donation rules are messed up, even in the UK.
Doesn't make what this jackass is saying any truer.
Yeah, of course only homosexual behavior is risky. That's why you NEVER see straight people with HIV, right? RIGHT?
News flash for you asshole. The fastest growing HIV positive segment of the population is young, black, straight women. 1 in 50 black males are infected right now. The fact that the screenings don't count race as a factor against a person trying to donate blood or blood products, knowing these statistics points to it being a bullshit rule that has nothing to do with protecting the public from HIV and more to do with homophobia.
Homosexual behavior is not to blame for the AIDS epidemic, it's risky behavior in general. A monogamous homosexual man, who has himself and his partner tested regularly, and uses protection is FAR less likely to contract HIV than a straight man who has regular unprotected sex with various women without having himself or them tested. The cases you hear on the news all the time about men getting arrested and convicted of spreading HIV intentionally? Yeah, those guys are STRAIGHT. Passing it on to STRAIGHT women. Do some research jackass and if you'd like I can kindly tell you where to stick your homophobia.
No Brian If I have one unsafe casual sexual encounter this past year I am NOT disgusting.[i/]
No, you're either very brave or very stupid.
"I can have MUCH more unprotected straight sex without the odds of contracting any disease compared to the average gay man having sex a couple of times."
Yeah.... let me know how the syphilis turns out.
Question: are these times you're having unprotected sex with different people? It doesn't matter if it's gay or straight, having multiple partners increases the risk of disease, while having only one partner decreases it (so long as you are their only partner as well).
"Normal" sex is not the same as safe sex. You are misinformed, which is bad enough; using it as an excuse to put down/hate people for something that's not affecting you just makes it worse.
Yeah, of course only homosexual behavior is risky. That's why you NEVER see straight people with HIV, right? RIGHT?
News flash for you asshole. The fastest growing HIV positive segment of the population is young, black, straight women. 1 in 50 black males are infected right now. The fact that the screenings don't count race as a factor against a person trying to donate blood or blood products, knowing these statistics points to it being a bullshit rule that has nothing to do with protecting the public from HIV and more to do with homophobia.
Homosexual behavior is not to blame for the AIDS epidemic, it's risky behavior in general. A monogamous homosexual man, who has himself and his partner tested regularly, and uses protection is FAR less likely to contract HIV than a straight man who has regular unprotected sex with various women without having himself or them tested. The cases you hear on the news all the time about men getting arrested and convicted of spreading HIV intentionally? Yeah, those guys are STRAIGHT. Passing it on to STRAIGHT women. Do some research jackass and if you'd like I can kindly tell you where to stick your homophobia.
What the hell?
What. The. Hell?
The facts are, ANY unprotected sex act is risky, hetero- or homosexual.
And... WTF, what reputable porn company publishes porn without condoms? All the pro-porn I've seen involved condoms. Hell, I've even seen ANIMATED porn, and THEY used condoms!
Here in Canada, Canadian Blood Services (the non-profit agency that collects, manufactures and distributes blood products) asks if heterosexuals had unprotected sex with a new parter in the last year. If so, they are deferred for a year. As for homosexual relations, the requirement, which is imposed by Canadian Regulators (Health Canada), is under close scrutiny and is undergoing a study to ensure that, statistically, there is no increase chances of infecting people (mainly hemophiliacs),which is a population that has paid dearly for errors from the past (thousands died and are still dying of HIV and Hep C). Finally, even the best testing available is not 100% safe as there is still a window of a few days where you can be infectious and still not register on the most sensitive tests available. It is not homophobia that keeps these regulations in place, it is the current scientific knowledge. Check .
As for normal sex, any sexual relations between consenting adults is normal.
1. Uh, who's hung up on porn here? Sounds to me like Mr. Reality (snort!) Check is the one obsessing over bare penii.
2. I have been asked about straight sex when giving blood. I guess they just figured you'd lie about it anyway.
3. Yeah, only gay sex is risky. Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes have never been caught by straight people. Keep telling yourself that until it falls off.
"people see normal heterosexual porn without condoms as natural"
Doesn't meant they are right to do so.
MrsScooby71 spent several years as a nurse in a sexual health clinic, and one reason why rates of syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhoea, AND HIV are on the rise in heterosexuals is failure to use condoms.
When you hear that *another* teenager has AIDS after the first time they had sex but they didn't use a condom it drags the whole day down.
Reality Check, you qualify as a fool.
BTW I'm not allowed to donate blood in Australia, not due to my sexuality - but because I lived in the UK, they're concerned about 'mad cow disease'.
"When you go to donate blood do they ask questions about my straight heterosexual activity?"
Yes actually. Up here in Canada, in which I am a proud blood donor, they ask you every single time a series of questions. Questions about you travelling outside the nation or taking drugs/money for sex/ or having sex with your partners, hetero or homo.
eg. "How long have you been with your current sexual partner?" "Have you ever had unprotected sex with that partner, even once?" "Have you ever had sex with a male, protected or unprotected, even once" and etc.
Then they give you an option to have your blood taken, but not used for transfusions, but rather medical research.
Also, they test the blood like no fucking tomorrow since the 1980's when a pile of people caught Hep C from tainted blood.
Either way, you're a fucking bigot.
No Brian?? sexual innuendo there??
I give blood on a regular basis, and yes they ask all about heterosexual sex, have I been to Africa, had sex with anyone from Africa, anyone who has been to Africa, on and on...
Have I been to Europe in the last 6 months, etc..
Have I had sex with anyone who has injected drugs with needles, have I injected myself with drugs, have I paid for sex with anyone (male/female) in the last 6 months, etc.
There is a good 30 questions relating to all sex, hetro and homosexual. AIDS does not discrimate between who sleeps with who.
Please educate yourself
They don't ask about heterosexual sex in the US? What the hell? In Canada we're asked if we've changed partners in the last 3 months, and if we've had more than two partners in the last year.
They also deny you if you've had a homosexual relationship in the last year (including women for some stupid reason), personally I think the rules above should be good enough for the homosexual donor as well.
This shit about hetero's can't get aids is right out of 1985.
Somehow, arguing that you "can have MUCH more unprotected straight sex..." (forgetting the rest of his argument) leads me to laugh hysterically because most self-respecting women wouldn't want to sleep with an asshat like that. In that regard, he'd be safe from disease.
Hey, fuckwit, you are aware that STDs have been affecting heterosexuals for centuries. Right?
If not, who the hell has been educating you?
' because we must be casually condoning heterosexual sex when we see a condomless penis entering a vagina. "
Um. No. I don't condemn others. Homosexual or not. If they are doing their thing and it isn't bothering me, what do I care if a condomless penis enters a vagina?
" No Brian If I have one unsafe casual sexual encounter this past year I am NOT disgusting:
You are if you use the woman for sex and don't care what happens to her.
And you would be deferred if you had an STD. Which can come from heterosexual sex. You dumbfuck
"Let's face it. I can have MUCH more unprotected straight sex without the odds of contracting any disease compared to the average gay man having sex a couple of times."
OK, I want you to carry out that mission and then report the results back to the FMYLIFE website. You'll be scratching what you wish was acne on your gooch.
< I can have MUCH more unprotected straight sex without the odds of contracting any disease >
Yep. I imagine the gay people might say something along the lines of "there's no freaking way I'm having sex without a condom" when any nice stranger proposes a bit of unprotected sex. For a perfectly normal heterosexual person like me, the answer is probably more like "well, that would be very nice, but there's just no freaking way I'm having sex without a condom." See? It's a much more positive response, and implies a likelihood ! Sex is all in your mind! Minuscule denied likelihood of sex is much better than flat-out denied likelihood, and so much more exciting!
Why do some people hate homosexuals so much? I mean, I'm a straight guy and think the idea of men having sex is a bit icky, but this? The sheer, unadultered hate.
Unless they've changed their policy in the past year (I got a tattoo, so I couldn't donate for awhile), the Wisconsin Red Cross asked about all sexual activity and whether or not it was protected. To be fair, they do have the first question ABOUT gay sex, but still...
Ööh, ok. Has this guy ever donated blood? Well, I can't say anything about USA, but here in Finland they DO ask about my sexlive before they let me donate.
"So straight men can't catch VD's? When your willy feels like it's just caught on fire and you have firey discharges every time you pee try to blame the gay community with a straight face, go on just try."
Oh, but don't you know? That dirtywhore* must have got it from one of them bisexual gay guys! It's all their fault!
*Before you librul femuhnasts even open your bitchholes: She's a dirtywhore for having multiple sexual partners, but he's not. DUH!
"ALL HOMOSEXUAL sex is UNSAFE, DANGEROUS, AND REVOLTING.....Let's face it. I can have MUCH more unprotected straight sex without the odds of contracting any disease compared to the average gay man having sex a couple of times."
And you would know this, how exactly? Ben to a few gay bars I'm guessing?
And how many women are you having sex with?
And how many guys did that woman have sex with?
And how many whores did that guy have sex with?
HIV is growing faster in the hetrosexual community (esp for african americans).
I think you're the one who needs a reality check buddy.
Because women are immune to STDs, apparently. You can only get it from other men.
Stop using the 'it's not natural!' argument when you find it in nature. It's pretty ridiculous.
I don't know where you donate blood, but it asks if you have had any form of sex recently where I donate. The only part where it's gender-specific is asking males if they have solicited sex for money in the '70's.
Might I ask how you know so much about gay porn, while we're at it? Most homosexuals I know personally know better than to have sex unprotected. Heterosexuals, however...
Correlation != Causation, assfist.
That woman you got drunk the other night so she would put out...well, she wasn't a she at all. And you're a fuckhead if you don't use protection no matter which way you swing.
So is it UNSAFE, DANGEROUS, AND REVOLTING when your wife finally consents to letting you stick your wee little jumbo shrimp up her butt?
I'm just so confused. Is it the BUTT that makes it unsafe? Or the OMG, GAYS?
As for your guesstimate on safety: no, it doesn't work that way. Straight people get STDs all the damn time too.
also, since I somehow blanked this out of my other comment:
The blood center policy on gay dates back to when we still thought AIDS was a gay-only disease. As statistics show, IT'S NOT; the majority of people with HIV/AIDS are heterosexuals... and in a disturbing number of cases, it's because they refused to use a condom.
Let me also state that your determining normalcy by what is shown in pornographic films is extremely disturbing. Porn is fantasy; the things that happen in it don't generally happen in "real life" situations, nor should they.
You shouldn't use pornographic movies to learn what's sexually normal anymore than you should use action movies to teach yourself normal physics.
Actually, anyone regardless of orientation can get the AIDS. If you're one-night standing frequently you most have some nice STDs there.
What ignorance, it's a shame institutions crave to the fallacy-ridden thinking of those such as you.
"No Brian If I have one unsafe casual sexual encounter this past year I am NOT disgusting."
Okay. And when you get genital warts from all that promiscuous sex, and you show your next female partner all that nasty growth down there before asking to do it with her, you can tell her about how NOT disgusting you are, Quagmire.
Nice try, dodongo. They ask if you've taken drugs, done anything with a needle, or paid for sex even once.
So yes, donation centers ask about heterosexual activities, and yes, you're stupid for not using a condom. Because sex makes babies. Please don't have any.
...I'd like to see this guy nine months after his...escapades...with four different women taking him on Maury.
And then he might see some wisdom in not reproducing. Gay men rarely have to pay child support!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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