[RE: Images of gays on Facebook]
The question read, "When we 'like' things on Facebook, if it's something that goes against what is written in the Bible -- such as pictures of same sex couples -- is that considered condoning behavior? How do you explain this to new Christians or youth?"
Robertson, who has never been shy of voicing his feelings, candidly responded to the concerned viewer.
"You've got a couple of same-sex guys kissing. Do you like that?" Robertson answered. "Well, that makes me want to throw up. To me, I would punch 'vomit,' not 'like,' but they don't give you that option on Facebook."
Pat, how about this option: Stop looking for pictures of gay men kissing!
There's no hope for these religionists.
Hey Pat, here's a tip for you: If you don't like seeing pictures of gay couples, stop search for pictures of gay men online.
EDIT: Nerikull_Murakami beat me to it. Kudus to you, Nerikull. (I still think this board needs a like button)
You win one Internet.
"I would punch 'vomit,' not 'like,' but they don't give you that option on Facebook."
I would punch 'Robertson'.
"You've got a couple of same-sex guys kissing. Do you like that?" Robertson answered. "Well, that makes me want to throw up. To me, I would punch 'vomit,' not 'like,' but they don't give you that option on Facebook."
Pat Robertson. So far in his own closet, he's in Narnia, wearing a pink feather boa, leather chaps & a T-shirt with an artwork by Tom of Finland, whilst prancing oh so gaily with Aslan & Tumnus.
Me, I'm not on MyFaceSpacePageBookTwit, but LGBT people who are still don't affect me in the slightest, so what the fuck are you worried about, Patty-boy?
'There are always other options'
-Capt Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
He doesn't even pretend that it's a religious objection... it's just straight-up 'gays are icky'. Jeez.
In other news, Pat Robertson has the mentality of a six-year-old. "Kissing? Eew! Gross! Barf!"
To answer the question, yes, it is condoning the behavior, which is not wrong in any way. And as to Pat Robertson: Just die already.
I don't know, Robertson has said a lot worse. I am not particularly interested in seeing two guys making out either but I guess the difference between myself and Patty is that I don't want to ban the behavior because it makes me uncomfortable.
Now two girls kissing is a completely different story.
*Sends copies of Eroica to this guy's house*
Now that's out of the way, you may want to tell us something.
"Ah yes, Pat Robertson, lamenting how he can't go on the computer to look up gay sex without being bombarded with those vile images of gay sex."
Not just gay men, neither. And you can't see it unless you [i]specifically[/i] look for it.
We will not edit Facebook!
You can also, you know, NOT "like" things, report spam and abuse, things like that.
Pat, you don't have much time left; grow the Hell up!
This website would like to have a few words with you.
We do care, it gives us stuff to WTF? laugh at, and snarkfest about.
Ya know, there is a box for text below the "Like" button, where you can write "vomit", or whatever you want. I often find things I agree whole-heartedly with, but I still can't Like them. Then I write Agree, instead of punching the Like button. I know it's a hard concept to grasp, dearie; you have to actually think for yourself, not just punching a pre-determined button.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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