Just imagine: if you were an 8+/10, 6'2" or taller, muscular, had a driver's license, a nice car, your own house - anything to impress a woman - she would still leave you if she found out your dick was below 5 inches. I don't think even the Almighty Chad himself could keep a girl with a 4 inch penis! He wouldn't be able to satisfy her. Maybe she would stay with Chad if he had a lot of money, but you know she'd be fuckin' around with another guy who's got an 8 inch dick. Sure, Chad might look hot. He might have a square jaw and hunter eyes. But at the end of the day it all comes down to sex. That's all foids want. That's all they want Chad for. We think of Chads as the superior male, but it IS possible for a guy to be blessed with amazing looks but cursed with a small dick.
I even know this is true from seeing it first hand! My co-worker is easily a 9/10 Chad. We're pretty close and get along well. But he told me one time that he had a girlfriend for a year, and she was an 8/10, but they broke up because he found out she was cheating on him with another guy who's more well-endowed. And his story was the inspiration for this post.
No foid wants to be in a relationship with a dicklet!
Also if you have less than 5 inches and are sub5 looks (which I'm sure most of you are) it's waaaaaaaaay past over for you buddy boyos! If Chad with a small dick can't get a woman to stay with him, how can you guys possibly get one?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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