Answers in Genesis is not attempting to debunk science. It is, in fact, explaining God’s creation scientifically. If you will take the time to explore what they are doing, I think you will be impressed, not only with this fact, but also with the scientific credentials of those who support Creationism as opposed to evolution. Expand your thinking to include the scientific possibility (I personally believe it to be fact) that God’s word is true and that He did, in fact, create the world in six literal 24-hour days. God’s Word clearly says He spoke creation into existence. Science does not prove it did not happen that way; it simply theorizes that it did not. Take your family and get all the facts. Then you will be in a position to make an intelligent decision as to whether or not this is a ministry worth taking seriously and, perhaps, getting behind with your support.
Creationism isn't a scientific possibility. It's something fundie's believe. Science does not prove it did not happen, nor did it prove the world wasn't created by flying bunnies. That isn't a reason to believe the world has in fact been created by flying bunnies.
BTW, "take your family", what the hell does my family have to do with this?
"Answers in Genesis is not attempting to debunk science."
Bullshit! Of course it is and it's trying to replace science with bad theology.
"If you will take the time to explore what they are doing, I think you will be impressed..."
Yes their ability to knowingly lie and spew bullshit with a straight face impresses me.
"but also with the scientific credentials of those who support Creationism as opposed to evolution."
I'm impressed that they've bullshited you into thinking they are real scientists.
"God's Word clearly says He spoke creation into existence. Science does not prove it did not happen that way; it simply theorizes that it did not."
Really? Go google "cosmology" and get back to us.
"God’s Word clearly says He spoke creation into existence. Science does not prove it did not happen that way; it simply theorizes that it did not."
The ancient hebrews believed in creation by divine utterance, because basically all the mythologies that preceeded them believed in creation by divine utterance (the egyptians, for example, attributed speech and writing to divine intervention by the god thoth). This is an archaeological FACT. Not "theorizing" by "science."
WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! Physics (the "science" of things bumping into each other, for those of you who got yer book lernin' in a parking lot) has never "disproven" the "theory" of creation by divine utterance for the same reason that its never "disproven" the "theory" of magical gift delivery on winter solstice; its so goddamned fucking stupid you'd have to have a learning disability to waste time and effort on it.
GO BACK TO FUCKING SCHOOL (and not just the parking lot)!
And in the name of all that's good and holy, why the fuck would you want to send your own flesh and blood to the local madrassa, to be educated by baptist wahabis?
It's good to be open-minded to new possibilities, but not so much that your brains fall out.
*gingerly pokes Jeff's discarded brain with a toe*
Wow, an FSM or Invisible Pink Unicorn museum would be awesome. Build it across the street from the fundie museum and see how many people don't get the satire.
Creationists like AiG arguing against evolution remind me of a seven year old who just broke a lamp playing football in the house, and is trying to claim he didn't: "Maybe a big truck rolled by and shook it. Or maybe there was an earthquake. Or maybe aliens zapped it through the window with their death ray. How do you know they didn't? ..."
Creationists use the same kind of arguments: a supernova is measured at 169,000 light years away, so they say "Maybe the speed of light changed. Maybe space is warped so it only appears to be 169,000 light years away. Maybe God hurried the light along. How do you know He didn't?" Of course they never try to investigate their speculation or even propose an experiment that would verify their claims. They think all they have to do to disprove science is to pull some far-fetched what-if out of thin air.
"...I think you will be impressed, not only with this fact, but also with the scientific credentials of those who support Creationism as opposed to evolution."
Yeah, like Hovind's 'PhD'?
I wonder how those first 24 hour days were measured as the day was not actually separated from the night until the fourth day...
But see, that is the very issue at hand: you PERSONALLY BELIEVE it to be a fact. There is no proof (again, the Bible does NOT count, anyone could have written it). And please, never call creationism science in my presence, it makes me homicidal.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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