If Scripture really did *advocate* slave-keeping, instead of just condone and regulate it, then in fact I *would* be working to repeal those anti-slavery laws.
I'm going to do that some day. Walk into an evangelical church (a mostly white one) during service and offer to buy someone's children as slaves, citing the necessary biblical passages.
And if someone reminds me of our 14th amendment, I'm going to end with, "Huh. I guess that means that the bible is un-American, isn't it?"
Rhys , I agree, but let's take it one step further:
Those who open their mouth to advocate slavery should immediately be chained to a wall. After a month or so, we will see how they change their tune.
Thesaurus.com synonyms for encourage:
Synonyms: advocate , assist, back, condone , conspire, egg on*, encourage, endorse, goad, help, incite, instigate, prod, promote, provoke, sanction, spur, support, urge
Well? Start working.
I can see your campaign now.
"Make Slavery legal!"
"Well, there's this big book thing (that I like waaay more than is healthy) and it says Slavery is good."
"Hrm, do you have any real reason why we should accept what his "book thing" says into the way we run our country?"
"Erm... God said so?"
"And do you have any explanation of exactly why this source of yours even suggests that an obviously immoral and non-beneficial practise such as this is a good thing?"
"Because God said so?"
"And do you even have any proof that this source is genuine?"
"Well, God says it is."
"What the hell does this "God" guy have to do with it anyway?"
"Because God sa- waaait a minute... um..."
"...We'll let you know."
Sigh, okay one more time...Please explain how in the world the literal ownership of another human being can possibly be anything other than a gross violation of that person's inalienable human rights? Just saying that you treat them nicely, or that there are rules for what you can do them is ducking the issue. When it comes to, let me repeat, the ownership of a human being as a form of personal property, how can such an arrangement ever be anything other than demeaning and abusive?
Don't bother looking in your bible. There is no answer to that question there.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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