John #fundie

Firstly, I believe the woman's-right-to-vote movement in the early 20th century was a way of officially dividing husband and wife into two units when they ought to be One. Taxing them separately added to this.

Why do women maintain so much political power these days? Because men HEARKEN unto them, just as in Eden. The world has always been, and will be to the very end, a patriarchy. Women have power because men in power give it to them for a purpose: to socialize our societies and steal the fruits of our labor. Stealing fathers and mothers away from their children in the process.

If we men closed our ears to their (ever swaying) opinions, women would just step down and the natural order would ensue. When I debate a woman I listen to her every word but still DISREGARD about 90 percent of what she says as pure nonsense. Women try to win debates through eloquence and a ceaseless flow of words. An compliment on their looks or apparel will disarm a woman immediately. That's not the kind of "feathers in the wind" that I want as leaders for my country.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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