On August 28, 2008 I emailed Warren Buffet and told him that God was about to shift the World's Financial Market, the prophecy was fulfilled on 9/15/08.
On October 15, 2008 God gave me another prophecy for 2009 to give to the world. Another shift is coming, this one will be worse than the former one. An oil crisis will be included with it, and in the future worldwide famine and depression. If you will read today's headlines you will discover that the plunge of the world's financial market is taking shape, even gold is declining in value. God is in control and the word of God is in the mouth of the prophet. God has always fufilled the prophecies that he spoke through me. my ministry newsletter has most of the fulfilled prophecies detailed that God spoke or performed through me
I predict that soon George W. Bush will leave the office of the president, and that many Americans will be unhappy with who succeeds him.
I further predict that someone on Rapture Ready will say something stupid enough to get posted on this website.
I predict that I will get up tomorrow, and still be in my pajamas Furthermore, I also predict that I will not have any job offers, and that I will still be a virgin.
I predict the sun will rise again tomorrow!
I predict you will use the toilet within the next 48 hours.
I predict that someone on your street will use a household appliance today.
I get all my amazingly accurate revelations from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Ahahahaha, everyone and their dog knew that the world economy, particularly in North America, was about to take a serious nosedive back in '07, when it became clear just how much the various wars going on over in the middle east were affecting the economy. You didn't figure that one out until August of '08... when the crisis had already started? What the hell took you so long, and why are you so retarded?
Sounds like God is getting with the times, but is losing his style in the process. I mean, in the old days, he'd show up in a burning bush, or make a pillar of fire, or roll back the seas... you know -- stuff that was kinda hard to miss.
Now, he just meddles with futures contracts and currency values. Way too subtle.
He needs to get back into that "flash" thing again -- grab people's attention again.
Maybe if he jumped a motorcycle over a bunch of buses?
Fundies are really egotistical, but the one's who claim they are 'prophets' are the worst. What is it with fundies thats all doom and gloom and sexual deviancy and ignorance? They're good for a laugh, and if they weren't real, then it would all be ok. But they are real, and that's pretty scary. It's fundy doom and gloom that causes all the world's problems.
I once dated the Executive Assistant for a CEO of a large corporation and the amount of nutcases like this one they have to deal with, in form of emails, phone calls and what not, is astounding. She and her co-workers had put together a top-5 of the worst they had received.
Since you, according to your statement, warned and probably saved Warren Buffet a shitload of money, did he pay you for your advice and hire you as his financial consultant? No? You wuz robbed, dear. Sue his ass off!
Actually, this moron emailed me by mistake. I am usually annoyed by these holier than thou self proclaimed prophet types but I have to admit I owe carolb56 some thanks for inspiring my new song, 'Shoeburger in paradise'.
I love the title of this piece ...
"I Don't Enjoy Saying I Told You So,,,,But Here Goes!!!"
Oh yea, because at the end of August no one could have predicted a "shift in the world's financial market". That's such an outlandish prophecy, considering the state the economy has been in for the last few months.
@ Mortok
Their God! We're the same person!
Oh, and I predict that at some stage tomorrow (October 31st) there will be many children in fancy dress knocking on doors and asking strangers for candy.
(written by this 'prophet' on 10/29/2008) God gave me another prophecy for 2009 to give to the world [...] If you will read today's headlines you will discover that the plunge of the world's financial market is taking shape, even gold is declining in value.
The S&P500 climbed from 700 in March 2009 to 1350 in August 2011. Okay, the last month we had a nice crash with a low at 1100, but it is far from a major disaster, the S&P500 is already back again at 1200.
The same for the Dow Jones, which climbed from 7000 in March 2009 to 12000 in August 2011. Small crash to 10000, back again at 11000.
And Gold climbed from $800 to $1900 now, with nearly no correction between.
Doesn't sound like a "shift and plunge in the financial markets", doesn't it? Seems your "prophecy" is debunked as complete nonsense (like every prophecy)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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