various commenters #wingnut #quack

( @M_Dawg )

spoilerAny person who said the vaccine
stopped transmission should be
fined $900 million for
misinformation just like Alex Jones.

( @KennyUSA )
@M_Dawg any deaths from the vaccine after Brandon and the gang publicly declared you could not get COVID if you were vaccinated should be tallied as one count of murder each.

( @Georgejackson2472 )
@KennyUSA @M_Dawg Trump got the vaccine out via Warpspeed. He is the one to blame.

( @Doyouevenresearchbro )
@M_Dawg Alex Jones trial was purposely setting legal precedence, he was the fall guy, moving forward this will set the legal path towards suing the CDC, WHO, Fauci, any large medical company saying the shot would stop COVID etc. etc. “class action lawsuits are very effective “ - Q

( @Irishandtired )
@M_Dawg Same goes for Holocaust grifters!

( @Egio )
@M_Dawg Alex Jones gave his opinion on something he wasn't quite sure of but speculated that it looked like a false flag. People and governmental positions that hold the highest rank in our health Institutions purposely lie to us.

( @Clash84 )
@Egio @M_Dawg Very true. I want to see every asset seized from every pharma company that participated in this crime and then the death penalty for their role in the murder and attempted murder of millions. This extends to every other person from the government on down who knowingly propagated the "safe and effective" lie in order to coerce uptake of the death jab.

( @T4M3F250 )
@M_Dawg Nah, dip them in gasoline and set them on fire.

BTW, all of you that are vaxxed or have friends/family that are vaxxed. You do have the address of the places you were vaxxed. You know, for when the time comes.

Provided you're still alive in a year or three.

( @SilverBull4HotLiberties )
@M_Dawg So Sorbo defends fining Alex Jones for free speech? If so, PISS on Sorbo. Jones did NOTHING wrong. He had a BULLSHIT "trial" that denied him his CONSTITUTIONAL rights.

( @LonePaladin )
@M_Dawg, should be executed.

( @sirenman )
@M_Dawg the new figure in august is. 58% of the people with the vacc and boosters haave died. comapred to those never taking the vacc. wow



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