various commenters #transphobia

"Fully passing" and still miserable

( IrishTheFrenchie )
This is why these surgeries shouldn't even be available to adults. What they want is IMPOSSIBLE. Even if they get as close as they possibly can, they are unhappy. This is why the suicide rate is so high. It is a fantasy that will NEVER come true.

( pennygadget )
I used to believe that adults should be able to do whatever fucked up shit to their bodies they want. But that has changed now that so many Dollar Store Mengeles are out there selling these drugs and surgeries to very vulnerable & stupid trans patients

Not only is it cruel to the patients. Its a drain on our medical resources. God only knows if/when we'll get another COVID level catastrophe that strains access to medical supplies and doctors. We don't need to take physically healthy people and cripple them just because they want an insane cosmetic surgery

( Persimmon64 )
Of course they shouldn't be available. If I wanted to get a neo-colon inserted into my abdomen to make another hole for a guy to screw that also expelled feces, a doctor would turn me away and send me to the shrink.

Yet when these guys want the exact same thing done, it's suddenly "people should be able to do what they want to their bodies. Doctors have to provide this surgery! It's our right!" Um... No it really isn't.

( RAM25 )
IMO, this is why removing it from being a mental health problem did a disservice to trans people. This person is struggling and they feel ashamed about it because they’ve been told that they are a woman when they know full well they’re not. It may have been way more helpful to him if he could acknowledge he’s got a mental health challenge and address that. It would be like telling an anorexic she is indeed fat and encouraging her to keep losing weight to become happy.

( Spencer_Shayy )
This is his consciousness telling him that the lie he's living is unsustainable. I don't pity him, as he likely a misogynistic homophobe with an abhorrent sexual fetish, but I genuinely don't understand how anyone can live like this. Common sense tells you that such a life is miserable, just as he's finding out.

To think, he would be much happier if he just accepted himself for who he was instead of trying to live out his creepy girl fantasy.



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