Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
“There are only two genders: male and female.”

Watch my full interview with @RSBNetwork:

@repmtg @RSBNetwork So fucking weak. The left are antiwhites, that hate you because you're white. This is low hanging fruit, we know there are 2 genders.

@repmtg @RSBNetwork Still can't believe that's even debatable.

@repmtg @RSBNetwork (@LaurenBoebert @DrPaulGosar @RepMattGaetz @AnthonySabatini @Mark4Ohio @RealJackLombardi
There are two SEXES; gender is for languages. Stop using their euphemisms.
birthing parent = mother
chest feeding = breastfeeding
vaccine passport = movement license
covid vaccine = mRNA gene therapy experimental injection
social credit score/cashless society = slavery
digital biometric ID = #MarkOfTheBeast
#FuckGlobalism #AbolishUsury

You are correct!! Keep talking, keep fighting! Keep up the good work.

@PaulaC3 I'm sure her fellow Zionist Jews are pleased with her fight

@Trump_Supporter1776 LOL nice try Fed but I don’t deal in racism.


I ain't no fucking Fed! If me valuing my White Race makes me a Fed then so be it! All these jews do like MTG is bring in third world niggers into our White Nations and people like the Republicans and Democrats expect us White to coexist with these filthy nigger and jew fuckers. I'm sick of it!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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