Wouldn't it be a kinder, more humane world, if instead of old men being crucified in public to satisfy the bitterness of hags and the repressed urges of paedocrites, that teenage girls were taken to retirement homes by their teachers in order to give the lonely coffin dodgers a free suck and fuck? But perhaps it would require the selfish maladaptive sexual psychology of women to be repaired and altered before that was possible.
This reads like satire, but I have a nagging fear that it isn't.
Having said that, if these disturbed views bring this person to the attention of the authorites, then so much the better.
Uhh, is he actualy advocating, that young girls be forced to have sex with pensioners of retirement homes?
To the Top 100!
We have these things called "dicitonaries" now. Acutally, I'm pretty sure they were already a thing in the 1800s, where you apparently live, so I suggest you open one and read the entries for "kinder" and "humane," because, man, those words sure as hell don't mean what you think they mean.
And yeah, sounds really kind and humane, especially calling old people "Coffin dodgers".
Some people called war veterans "Miss shots", I didn't think that was funny either.
Marjan Siklin, is that you?
Regardless of the author, women are not born to be sex slaves and children are not acceptable sex partners .
If someone's urges violate the rules postulated in my second line, this sect found a radical solution.
Eeerghh... nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono...
There's... there's no way that Antifeminist-chan is actually serious, right? That's just... just... sick!
Why... why would someone say something like this? Ibuki doesn't understand!
No you SOB, lolicon hentai is not a template for real life societies.
... and while we are at it, "why don't you have a seat over there?"
Women are only objects to be passed around. That's the "right" MRA's have long been seeking. They don't like the fact that women get a choice because if women do get to choose, they won't choose a psycho like this guy. That's why he essentially wants women to be sex slaves that are forced to perform sex acts.
Wouldn't it be a kinder, more humane world
No. It would be a horrible world. We as a society fought so hard against slavery and treating people as objects and you are all too happy to reverse all of our progress.
Oh, and why is it teenage girls, you sick fuck? It's the power, isn't it? You don't like the idea of a woman who knows she can tell whoever is using her to go fuck themselves. No, you want them young and impressionable so they're less likely to fight back. You fucking psycho.
Way to go Antifeminist, you broke Ibuki, I hope you're proud of yourself you sick bastard. Somebody comfort the poor girl before she has an aneurysm, please.
Can we take Antifeminist out behind the shed yet? I think he's beyond help at this point.
A world where teenage girls are raped by old men would be kinder and more humane than what?
Not this world, that's for damn sure.
What about teenage boys being taken to retirement homes by their teachers in order to give the lonely old coffin dodgers a free lick and a fuck?
The sexual psychology of men and women are more similar than they are different, stupid.
Who's the selfish one, btw? The one who think women have the right to their own bodies, or the one who think women ought to be sex-slaves to men?
Here's a better plan. Some sick gaywad like you could doll yourself up and do it yourself, After all, you think it's normal to whore young girls off to useless state cases which automatically makes you a dirty whore of the worst kind.
Young girls almost always have something better to do then fit into one of your insane asylum wet dreams.
After I threw up in my mouth a little, and read all the comments, the only base I see uncovered is:
"free?" Communist!
Edit: @ paserby: Seconded! It's 5:00 somewhere!
Words fail me to express the grossness of that suggestion.
Antifeminist, if you read this know that you are officially a disturbed asshole.
Some of you may not have noticed the unfortunate implications of what this... thing... is saying and are therefore not nearly angry enough. Allow me to make things considerably worse:
First off he wrote this vulgar insult to the human race in response to a man being tried on 12 counts of indecent assault on four different victims over 22 years, including a girl who was 13 at the time. I say alleged because such time has elapsed as to make the facts unclear and the jury has not rendered verdict quite yet. I try to be fair even if some people really don't deserve it. When this turdburger called everyone condemning Rolf Harris paedo-crites he meant that he believes everyone secretly wants to bang children and when talking about a school field trip for teenage girls to have sex with retirees he implied aren't dying fast enough for his liking he meant before high school. But of course, it's anyone who complains about this idea that has abnormal sexual and pychological issues because it's perfectly natural to him and his readers.
Now who's joining me at the bar?
I honestly could have done without the context, Passerby. The quote in and of itself was disturbingly full of every insidious implication there could be.
The context is making my last little bits of faith in humanity slither away in a and I must scream style moment.
I'll join you at the bar after I do some yoga, Passerby.
Fuck, if I ever broke up with my SO, I'd find it really hard to get back into dating. Seems like all the douchewaffles are coming out of the woodwork these days, and hell if I could tell who is one and who isn't for certain.
Luckily, as I pointed elsewhere, these self-entitled assholes will most unlikely ever achieve their goal either through bloody revolution nor policy changes, simple because they lack any appeal* to any statistical significant segment of the population.
Heck, even the lolicons I seen on the internet are appalled when disturbing things happen to children in real life.
*Allow me to explain: even the most unfree society/government must pander to some statistical significant segment of the population in order to maintain their existence. In feudalism/authoritarianism, the lord/ruler gives the promise of safety in unsafe times, in corrupt capitalism, the elite sells the masses the hopes of betterment, in fascism, the ruler motivates the populace the concept of racial/ethic/national superiority, in theocracies, the priesthood promises the masses a better life, in tinpot dictatorships, the leader at least have the support of the army & police... after their current one. Incels, radical MRAs, and alpha wannabees simply feels they are so superior that they are entitle to everything, without even a token gesture to the rest of us. Thus they are unlikely to ever achieve anything other than the occasional shooting, though still disturbing, but much less than a potential takeover.
*Passes the bottle*
People like this fucknut have declared war on all that is good in this world. Ignorance may be a sin and knowing might be half the battle, but on the same hand war is hell and sometimes fighting blind is a blessing.
But some fights? They're worth the pain. Still plenty worth fighting for.
Okay, creepy drunk hour is over. I'm sleeping this off.
No, no it wouldn't. It would be a kinder, more humane world if people like you never existed. But you do, and we have to deal with you. Thankfully, people as pathetic and disturbed as you usually die alone anyways, so we don't even have to lift a finger to ensure that you get what you deserve. But, on the off chance that do try something, we'll be here to ensure that the only "suck and fuck" you'll get is from a 30 year old neo-Nazi in the prison showers.
You paedophilic piece of garbage. Antifeminist, your selfish maladaptive sexual psychology is beyond repair, completely FUBAR, and the only thing that needs to be altered is your genitals, with a mourning star!
I agree with Ibuki Mioda. Why? Why!? There exists no possible reason to ever come to that conclusion! In no situation, under any and all conceivable and inconceivable circumstances, would THAT ever be a legitimate course of action!
The latest proposal by one of these groups saying that their raison d'etre is promoting the civil rights of men...
...prostitute children and verbally abuse senior citizens. Ew, please-crawl back under your rock and don't emerge again!
Where are all the MRA anti-feminist trolls on this one?
How are old men being crucified in public, exactly? If he's exclusively talking about old men who prey on girls and underage young women they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Which is not a crucifixion. Grooming girls to want to do sexual favors for older men is not "being nice" or a "favor" for the elderly, it is illegal and psychologically damaging to said girls. To think that it would be some wonderful, happy, jolly time to encourage girls to service men sexually is, to put it nicely, deranged.
If this sad puke of a human wishes to live in a society where men can have sex with twelve year old girls he'll have to go back to the stone age. Or travel to another country where minors are not protected as they should be and "paedocrites" are in shorter supply.
Well, I'm back from the mizzium array and... BY THE FIREMIND, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS DISTURBING SHIT?!?!
I'm appalled! I'm truly, utterly disgusted by this. Are you saying the teenaged girls should be banged by old geezers ?
Your are scum, the lowest form of human life assuming you are human. You deserve a painful agonizing death. However, I'd like to conduct some rather cruel experiments on you before that.
You also broke Ibuki, you monster.
*runs and gets Ibuki a blanket wrapping loosely around her*
@Ibuki Anything else to make you more comfortable?
Yes, it would be a much kinder, more humane world.
For the old men.
Those who get off to underage girls.
And don't give a fuck about consent.
In other words, perverted rapists.
For decent people, no it wouldn't.
Who says the men would even partake of your rape plan? I know my husband, grandfather, and father-in-law would be disgusted at the idea of touching underage girls, to say nothing of against their will. Most men are decent humans, unlike you, and they can be sexually attracted to women without feeling the need to dominate, disrespect, and violate them. You're a fuckhead destined to live a very lonely life with beliefs like that.
Further down the page he says:
"Given that this site was at the top of Eivind's link list when he was arrested as a potential terrorist, I think we can fairly assume that the authorities are aware of this site. In fact, it would require DogMeat levels of aspiness not to understand that we are having our internet connections, movements etc monitored 24/7."
Does he mean Eivind Berge? If so, who would be the slightest bit surprised?
And as for aspiness, do not confuse Asperger's with stupidity. They are chalk and cheese... or should that be cheese and chalk?
For those unaware, The Antifeminist found out about us and is accusing us of being "paedocrites" because some of us may enjoy fictional porn.
To quote:
The 'aetheism plus' community appear to have enjoyed this thread.
Notice how these secular rationalists would so enjoy to see men castrated, mutilated, and slowly killed for simply expressing an opinion on a website (that it would be a better world if the most beautiful and desirable could willingly share that beauty with the most ugly and undesirable).
Notice how these secular rationalists presume the guilt of a man who has not yet even been convicted (and most of the rest who have been tried in the same operation have been found innocent), and who would like to see anyone who expresses sympathy with him to be tortured to death.
Notice how these secular rationalists cannot say exactly what is wrong with my opinon without twisting it into something completely and utterly different to what I said.
But most of all.
Notice how these secular rationalists are so evidently and so disturbingly into lolicon hentai."
@ Grimsoncrow
Well if you're the same artist he's referencing in his bizzare, incoherent rant against "atheism plus" (I think he means FSTDT, but he calls everyone transgendered lesbian lolicon radfems which is downright nonsensical) it would seem you have a fan.
A creepy, fucked up fan.
Really, he just recognized your name immediately and appears to have your comics bookmarked. He's become pretty fixated on you actually, and also claims to know what's in your personal profile.
Which makes him a creepy, fucked up fan that's stalking you.
... Uh, yeah. Might want to look into a restraining order if that's the case.
Huh. I was aware that there were probably people in the MRA movement who simply want to rationalize sexually abusing people, but it's rare that someone comes right out and SAYS so point-blank.
Do you guys want me to add this quote to Nightmare Fuel on TV Tropes?
What about The Antifeminist being taken to retirement homes by the wardens of his detention center in order to give the lonely old coffin dodgers a free lick and a fuck?
Fixed that for you, dear.
Wouldn't it be better to accept that they're toó old to have sex [...]?
Not necessarily: in her youth, my mother spent some time in Canada doing volunteer work with the Little Brothers of the Poor , and she told me that in the retirement home where she helped there was a 95 years old guy who broke up with his 90 years old girlfriend because she didn't want to have sex several times a day anymore ^^"
I do agree that Asperger's can make it hard to guess at motives, but that just means that I get a bit less precision. I have a larger margin of error than an allistic (non-autistic) person would on whether or not someone is trustworthy, but I err on the side of false positives/paranoia/caution (choose most appropriate term).
"Wouldn't it be a kinder, more humane world...."
To what you said, no. Just no.
Oh, sliced limbs in hypothetical Hell! The alleged "His4Life", have you forgotten decency along with the original poster?!
And yes, this deserves its place on the Nightmare Fuel page.
Mysoginists in the internet are crazy motherfuckers. What else is new?
But holy shit, this guy is just deplorable. I always take solace in knowing idiots like these never get their ideas approved by sane people.
As much as that comforts me, the problem is that they spawn and their offspring inherit the same mindset.
Ooh! Can I help with that in any way? XD
@Izzet Scientist
....oh, shit.
It's not entirely hopeless, though. My parents are rather religious (fundamentalist beliefs but not actions), but I consider myself a pragmatic atheist.
Still, if they're too effective....
Fridge Logic, however, dictates that this dick will not have any kids (unless they are by rape, but that's another kettle of fish).
We need to fix the selfish maladaptive sexual madness of female creatures.... right now! It has been long enough, mates!
I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover!(Yeahhh!)
Without the aid of cosmetics, even women in their early twenties could not hope to sexually compete with lolitas in their early-mid teens, mates.
On a serious note: there is no way that site's not a troll. They basically are mixing misogyny and sexually taboo subjects because it gets attention
Why can't he go there and fuck the elderly?If this guy thinks women are selfish for not fucking every person with a dick,then why won't he go meet those poor,sex deprived old people and let the old guys put dicks in him?
He's just desperate for sex with teens when he reaches an age where he won't be able to keep an erection for half a minute,isn't he?
Since you apparently don't have this selfish maladaptive sexual psychology, Antifeminist, why don't you show us how it's done, by going to a retirement home and give those lonely coffin dodgers a free such and a fuck?
Ahem. Sorry.
Seriously, I don't even know how to snark at this. Making sex mandatory? What is even the fuck?
Also there's this little thing called consent you sick fuck.
Time to include this guy's annihilation into
@Ibuki Mioda
I feel ya, girl. This was my initial response too.
*shoosh pap* Calm down, if anybody tried this to you or really anybody shit will hit the whirling device hard.
"Regarding my thought over teenage girls being taken to retirement homes, regular readers may recall that I’ve expressed the same sentiment several times in the past, and I explicitly stated that in an ideal humane world, 16 year old girls would gladly visit retirement homes to give the old codgers blowjobs as part of community minded service. I also state in this very article that such a world is likely impossible given female sexual psychology"
"So what we have here is a group of lesbian/transgender feminist aspie atheist'(lol) paedocrites who are heavily into bondage, rape, and virtual kiddy porn, and God knows what else, wanting me to be tortured to death for simply expressing an opinion that it would be a nicer world, but unfortunately an unlikely one, where 16 year old girls would willingly see it as a pleasure to give sexual kindness to lonely old men about to die."
"Feminism does not represent the final flowering of Western liberalism or of Enlightenment values. Rather, it is an aggressive counter-reaction intended to protect the threatened reproductive and sexual interests of middle-class, middle-aged women in a free sexual marketplace."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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