Various Incels #sexist #crackpot

[Discussion] The mere existence of the blackpill is a miracle

Think about it, in the era of extensive brainwashing we live in, a couple unknown forums were able to defy all of it and come to the truth just by talking between one another. Most incels come to a raw version of the blackpill by themselves, but the evolving and polishing of the blackpill until the attainment of what may be considered a sort of class consciousness about the systematic discrimination against ugly males is a whole other thing. This is also in reference of my previous post where I talked about the importance of this forum, I truly believe that talking, discussing or even shitposting is a weapon much more powerful than what we may think.

Because we are not part of the game we see things that other people don't, its impossible to be an incel and not connect the dots. Sadly most incels by the time they figure out why are they in this life situation, they are too old and broken to even care. Thats why blackpill forums are important to at least give peace of mind to struggling youth.

(Made in Heaven)
I don't think it's that much of a miracle. I've always been pseudo-black pilled due to being Muslim. My dad taught me a lot about holes when I was young

this forum isn't blackpilled at all lol, very few accept biological determinism and its explanations. they prefer to blame the jews and media jfl



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