anon1822 #sexist #crackpot

The fact that women don't get bullied (nowhere near as much as men) is a huge advantage to their gender.

The first thing bluepillers would say is that women get bullied too, but that's nothing compared to what men go through.

If you're a guy, if you're not the bully, if you're not physically strong or if you're somewhat shy or not neurotypical, then you're fucked. Sometimes things are so bad that you have to switch schools, happened to me twice. Though after reading some stories of what happens in military schools I consider myself lucky. Luckily my parents even sent me to a private school with the little money they had so I got bullied much less, it was almost nice. Luckily we got a discount so we could afford it, dad knew people.

Hell, they get treated a lot nicer than boys in all situations. Even teachers have it out for you as a boy.

Even as adults they have it easier. In the workplace or any other situation, they don't have it nearly as bad. And guys with mental issues like autism or even something milder? Forget about it, you'll be the ostracized weirdo everywhere you go. As a woman you just pass off as shy.

I heard foid on foid bullying is much brutal though.

Yeah that's what normies say, fucking women are always seen as victims. Ohh their lives are so hard. God damn how can this world be so upside down, being a male is so much harder in every way and yet every normie believes women have it much harder and are even oppressed.



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