there is so much reverse discrimination in the academic world. It's bizarre that these mindless pieces of dogsh*t are permitted to teach anything. Colleges create these 'filler' zero classes like 'urban studies' just so the negroes can have a job. Alot of the doctoral programs at state colleges go overboard to recruit unqualified niggers-- the epitome of pandering.
There is no such thing as reverse discrimination; there's only discrimination and everyone regardless of skin colour, ethnicity, sex, etc. can do it.
@bad russian
With such upstanding sources as "some blog" about "an American uni" and "a book by an American author", how could anyone fail to take you seriously?
EDIT: Oh wait, I see you've removed your previous comment. Now how will we learn how terrible the American education system is?!
Just a quick question: Is there such a thing as a "qualified nigger" to the members of Niggermania? (LOL, I know its a hate site, but the name cracks me up..these people are so childish..its just as funny to me as "honkymania" would
ISBN 978-0-670-02062-1, pp.193, 197 &seq.
As to the story, I said it was a tale.
As to taking me seriously... don't! We'll speak again in 2050, when a ride on the new york subway shall cost 3 yuan.
PS How long did it take you to meditate upon my comment after I removed it? And still to come up with nothing but a pathetic ad-hom? You should F5 more often, like I do.
The disturbing thing about this chunk of the website is that while the creationists are crazy and perhaps hilarious, and the conspiracy guys are insane, the guys in the racism section are disgusting and disturbing.
"alot of the doctoral programs at state colleges go overboard to recruit unqualified niggers -- the epitome of pandering."
This is good news for you Judah! You'll finally be able to be a doctor! Time to leave the trailer, boy!
Hey, check this, bitch, I have a college degree. What? You didn't graduate the fifth grade? Aw, poor puppy. Go crawl back to your momma's basement, I'm sure she'll make you some grits.
Filler classes are an age old tradition of higher education.
What would we do without classes in basket weaving through the ages, clowning, the art of walking, and the philosophy of Star Trek?
Except for the use of nigger, which is his business, I agree. Academia and the corporate world have done little for black folks except talk about them and make it seem they can only aspire to charity. It's not right on either end.
But you can pick your courses in college. Don't want urban studies? Don't take it. I'm atheist and I won't take a theology class...because I'm not a masochist.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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