So then why the phrase, "right hand" or "forehead' if this verse is figurative, not literal? Those are very specific places.
Also, God protects His chosen. The word "force" applies to the phrase that no one can buy or sell without the mark. In other words, the use of the word force in that context means that the only way to buy or sell is to wear the mark of the beast. That doesn't mean that everyone will have to wear the mark any more than everyone is forced to have a credit card if only credit cards could buy or sell. There are some people like the Amish who live away from society and grow their own food. It's quite possible that they could buy and sell what they have to buy and sell from friends who wear the mark.
My only reason in posting this idea is in making sure that we understand that verse and are not being deceived by Satan. After all, most of the world will see nothing wrong with GPS technology which is why the Anti-Christ can very easily fool most people. So as Jesus tells us, "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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