Nya Nya Jo #fundie #wingnut #sexist #forced-birth #homophobia edendecoded.com
People want to say that religion and politics doesn't mix, but it does!
Biblical history shows us that the law of the land IS a religion; and the religion IS the law of the land. Ultimately, the politics (religious beliefs) of every society was based on what god or gods were worshiped. And this is no different to what we are witnessing now in our political arena.
SO THE QUESTION is what religious doctrine did Black women overwhelmingly subscribe to, that can be credited for destroying the traditional Black family?
We can NOT say it's Christianity. Because the black church never taught nor endorsed single motherhood as a viable option to Christian motherhood: which is found within the sanctity of a marriage covenant between a man and a woman.
The Bible, along with the Christian faith that rests on it, is replete with admonishments and warnings to avoid the type of sexual activity that leads to whoredom becoming the culture of the land. Nevertheless black women by and large (to the tune of 72% by recent stats) have rejected the biblical Christian standard. So what spiritual standard are they living by?
I believe Black women subscribed to the religious doctrine of Liberalism. You may be thinking that liberalism is not a religion, but it is. Liberalism is a very old ancient religion started over 3,000 years ago.
DID YOU KNOW the following about liberalism?
• Liberalism is based on the Roman god Liber.
• The Roman god name Liber means 'the free one;' its alternate Roman name was Bacchus; and the Greeks referred to this god as Dionysus.
• Liber is described as androgynous, man-womanish, sensuous, naked or half-naked.
• Liber is the god of wine, fertility, debauchery, uninhibited freedom and free speech.
• Liber's worship centered around large phallics; consisted of orgies, drunkenness, intoxication through various potions, and sexual activities (including homosexual acts).
• The Liber cult conducted human and animal sacrifices.
• Originally, Liber rituals were only attended and conducted by women, who practiced sexual masturbation rituals with carved life-sized phallic objects.
• Liber was the patron deity of the common people of Rome (the lower social classes); such as women who had lesser rights than the common man in ancient Roman society; slaves and foreigners.
• Worship of Liber taught civil disobedience to the established social order and the transformation of religious authority. Very much like what we've seen recently in the news with the riots and angry protests after the Presidential election that was won by Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
• In 186BC, the Roman Senate banned Liber worship because it was considered to be a threat to the security of the Roman Republic due to their political conspiracies, crimes and debauchery.
Now, let's take a look at our modern (current) Liberal politics.
Americn Liberalism is obsessed with sex - especially the kind that deals with homosexual and other alternative sexual infatuations. It also has an unhealthy focus on redefining family structure and twisting gender roles and identity.
The driving force behind liberalism is to create anarchy through 'anti-establishment' rhetoric; and to ultimately destroy traditional social principles by using the political system and process.
Modern liberalism aims to:
• End 'partriachy;' which means to prevent men from fulfilling their God-given right of leadership in home, government, moral authority; thus stripping men of their role and rights as fathers.
• Endorse free speech of every type and hue - except for free speech that contains traditional Christian principles.
• Teach sexual liberation; challenge the traditional codes of sexual behavior through LGBTQ special rights, laws and overwhelming media coverage.
• Promote free love; and that sexual freedom is a direct expression of power and authority.
• Normalize birth control (abortion), public nudity, masturbation, sex toys, pornography, premarital (casual) sex, sex with children (pederasty) and homosexuality.
• Reshape the image of the traditional family to include open marriage, spouse swapping, swinging and same-sex marriage.
• Make recreational drugs and alcohol easily accessible.
SO I ASK YOU: How could the black family remain intact with women that chose to adopt a liberal mindset that involved twisting gender roles, pushing the natural boundaries of sex, fighting against the God-given role men were given as leader in the home, indulging in all types of anti-biblical forms of intoxication, and devaluing their children to the point where they see nothing wrong in aborting them?
Liberalism is anti-god in all its ways.
Under liberalism black women have become gender confused, domineering over men (which is a hallmark of that confusion), whoreish (unable to get married, or maintain a marriage), excessive masturbators, sexual predators, cold and callous towards children (including the unborn), promoters of abortion (infanticide), drunkards (excessive drinkers), with a desire to assume final authority over men in the workplace, in government, in the church, and in their homes. These women rather pattern themselves after the image of liberalism, rather than the image of the virtuous women in the Bible who chose to honor God by becoming wives and mothers under the authority and headship of husbands.
And just like that, over the past 50 years, the Liberal political system converted the minds of women into pagan worshipping harlots of the god called Liber.
The Devil used Black Women as a 'legal and lawful' satanic attack on the black family. Ana if not rectified, this is the blueprint the Devil will use to destroy families of other races, ethnicities and cultures.
Satan has the blueprint for family destruction, and he will continue to use it across our country and the world.
Leviticus 19:29 (KJV) warns us: "Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness."
So what we are witnessing right now is the result of generational self-prostitution of women; women choosing the lifestyle of whoredom over the standards of the Bible. And unashamedly, Black women voted for laws that led to the destruction of the Black family all so she could have laws that supported her ability to live a life of whoredom.
Hard truth: You don't have the mind of Jesus Christ if you choose to live life as a whore. You have the mind of some other god.
It is our lifestyle that shows our dedication to a specific set of religious beliefs. And we make sure our beliefs are cemented and protected through the laws and policies of our land via civil rights or identity rights.
I plead with Christians - particularly black Christian women and men to get involved in changing this damnable mindset of liberalism that has crept into our churches. Get involved in reshaping the political ideology to be pro-Christian!
We have a mandate and duty to be that light on the hill; I like to think of that hill as also including Capitol Hill.
Will YOU be that light? Become part of the movement to overthrow liberalism in the Church and in the black community. And let's restore the biblical perspective as the right foundation on which to build our homes, lives, communities and nation on.