[Responding to a former Christian who recently announced that he had abandoned his faith.]
As far as I'm concerned you no longer exist.
Okay. So, if they came to your house, stole your stuff, killed your family, and fed 'em to the dogs, you'd have no suspect because in your mind they didn't exist? Grow up.
I don't know what's more hilarious, that he shows how weak is his faith is how conditional the love of God is or that, if taken literarilly, he denies evidence.
Oh, come ON! You don't have to do THAT, it'd only drive him further away! Shame on you, man. That is NOT cool, man. Not cool at all.
[said in the most Owen Wilsony voice possible]
Awww ...we love you too.
I mean, it's not like a REAL Christian would try to resolve the issue that shook his faith or anything like that. Whatever it takes to get more elbow room in heaven, right?
The really precious thing, though, is that Hiram honestly holds such a high opinion of himself, that by shunning this person (In such a jackass-y way, no less), he believes, s/he will come running back into the fold, and into his waiting arms, as opposed to driving this person even further away, and likely destroying what little remains of his faith. Good going!
"I HAVE NO SON!" <slams door>
"Maybe we got the wrong guy, Lisa."
*Rabbi opens door again*
"I didn't mean that literally !"
No kidding... O_o
Of course, if a christian doesn't believe in something, then it obviously isn't real or doesn't exist. Like logic, grammar, evolution, Charles Darwin, gravity, the FSM, Eris, science, Islam, paganism, liberalism, the Democratic Party, free thinking, homosexuality, atheism, abortion, passing gas, space travel, greenhouse effect, gaia hypothesis, love, kindness, acceptance, mercy, peace, humbleness, etc.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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