Various commenters #wingnut #racist
Daily reminder to White people,You don't need anyone's permission
to be pro-White. Nor do you owe
anyone an explanation for being pro-
You're allowed to love your own race,
whether anyone likes it or not.
Anyone who tells you differently
simply hates White people.
If African Americans, Hispanics, Asians Americans, Jewish Americans, Native Americans are recognized
groups with all rights to promote their interests… defend themselves against racism and discrimination
… and Europe Americans are not… That is blatant RACISM !
Worse than Apartheid, Jim Crow or the caste system…
Unlawful against American and international law…
@Nature_and_Race As an addendum to this, at this point the only thing that matters is if someone is Pro-White and is operating in good faith behaving as such.
At this point other ideological or religious considerations should take a back seat. (I consider Jews to be an ethnic group, not a religious order.)
I ❤️ Being White(@WilsonStClaire)
Just a heads-up. In case no one has noticed, they have stealthily decided to consider Hispanics as white. In all city demographic reports on Wikipedia, on all "race" sections of forms you fill out, the choices are white or non-Hispanic white. They are tweaking the demographics to make negroes as the only “minority” that matters. They fear the mostly Catholic Hispanics because they are Christian, family oriented, extremely loyal to their race and culture, and will outnumber EVERYBODY in 50 years, and THAT is not the one world order they're looking for. It looks like they plan to take them out by lumping them in with the white folks.