"So for instance, when someone would say 'Well, Christians are just going to have to get over this' -- Christians can’t get over this. It was the same argument used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries about miracles. 'Well, in order to reach contemporary people, Christians will just have to get over virgin births and empty tombs.' But Christians can’t just get rid of the miraculous without getting rid of Christianity. And the same thing is true of sexual ethics."
...meanwhile, the Church of England. So many changes in doctrine, or acceptance of differing thinking, certainly in the fields of science. So many compromises.
They're still here. Modern Protestant Christianity still exists: or at least it's basis.
And when they openly admit that much of the Bible is purely fable & metaphor: as in not to be taken literally - including Genesis - to say nothing of their Professors of Theology who would say that Leviticus (including that tiny titbit) doesn't apply to Gentiles like them, then you wonder why the C-of-E bishops & archbishops in the House of Lords dropped their opposition to S-SM, thus it became law?
They're still here II.
There's only one thing you can be sure of, o Religious Reich: You lot must either change - or die. Unless you can prove that you lot still have the kind of socio-political clout you enjoyed in the Raygun Era, then you already are dying. Post-late 2012 proves that.
A certain document from mid-late 18th Century proves you utterly wrong, when nowhere in the US Constitution does it so much as mention once the word 'Marriage', never mind 'God', 'Jesus' or 'Creator'. The Founding Fathers were more forward-thinking than you lot dare imagine. The Church of England certainly are; they have to be, if they want to stay relevant.
Change or die, o Religious Reich. Even if it means becoming left-wing. Change didn't harm the C-of-E, therefore becoming the diametric opposite to what you are right now wouldn't kill you fundies: Because your current attitudes are certainly doing you lot a power of good, aren't they...?! [/hyper-sarcasm]