I'm not sure if this flow diagram speaks to the situation called "dump-load" in power systems-- which I prefer to call "load-dumps" since that's what they are... they're "power load dumps" where the dump is actually a place where excess energy goes to be literally wasted after having been created. Now, the bizarre economics behind this would be a different post because right now, I want readers to focus on the "load dump" as it is called in the above diagram. Note that other flow chart elements are "increase generation current" and "continue normally" and "sensor". Large scale grid power systems apparently require the ability to bleed off current-- or the amount of energy in the grid-- depending on the amount of current being actually used. The perverted nature of this means that we have been intentionally wasting energy in order to keep the price of electricity high. What passes for nuclear power plants are theorized by Adonis1111 at Icke forums to be nothing but power waste stations-- and in fact, nuclear power doesn't exist. I realize how insane this sounds-- but that is the idea and given the world as I now see it, it may indeed be a fact. [Join me in a discussion of just dump-loads or "load dumps"-- both are used in articles I've seen.]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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