Conservapedia #homophobia #fundie

We should believe in real marriage instead. Homosexual men in so-called same-sex "marriages" generally engage in sexual relations outside their so-called "marriages" (see: Homosexuality and promiscuity). Homosexual couples have higher rates of domestic violence (see: Homosexual couples and domestic violence). Pathologists have indicated that homosexual homicides are quite common and leading pathologists have noted that homosexual homicides frequently display brutality/overkill (see: Homosexuality and murder).
Homosexual corruption has become too big of a problem in our country and elsewhere.
There is no "gay gene" and studies of twins prove this, supporting the idea that it is a lifestyle choice (see: Homosexuality and genetics).
Homosexuality is treating people as objects for personal pleasure. When people begin to allow themselves to use people as tools then anything and everything that gives one pleasure is eventually justified. People move one step further to justifying rape, robbery, murder, pedophilia, any other act that they find pleasurable.
The homosexual agenda is the wrong direction for our country.
Many horrific crimes have been committed by men caught up in the homosexual lifestyle; there are so many examples of this that listing them here would be futile.
According to Psychology Today, "Among youth who identify as sexual minorities, the likelihood of death by suicide has been estimated to be two to seven times greater than the likelihood of death by suicide among heterosexual youth (Haas et al., 2011)".[7]
States and local communities should be deciding this, not a few out-of-touch liberal activist "justices" in D.C.
Bible believing Christians, other faiths against homosexuality and churches have rights too (see: Homosexuality and religious liberty).
Disordered conduct is the wrong direction for individuals and our Nation.
Ancient Romans/Greek committed many homosexual acts and their decadent empires declined and fell.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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