Fred Reed & BAN #crackpot #racist
RE: National Intelligence Is More Important for Explaining Country Well-Being Than Time Preference
(Fred Reed)
Patient people fare better in life than impatient people. Based on this and on economic models, many economists have claimed that more patient countries should fare better than less patient countries. This survey measured six non-cognitive traits across 76 countries in about 80,000 persons. We combine this database with existing estimates of national intelligence (national IQs). Across all our results, we found that national IQ has 2-4 times the predictive validity of time preference.
IQ explains why Jews, two percent of America, so easily dominate a population far inferior. No? It also explains why the East Asians, half a standard deviation superior, are rapidly becoming the world's dominant people. They are just smarter. Check the students at MIT, Cal Tech, the elite high schools. It partly explains, I suspect, why Jews like Zuckerberg have Chinese wives. For either of these races to marry goyim is dysgenic. Assortative mating by intelligence is well known. Note also that the East Asians are much less militarily aggressive than whites, suggesting a higher order of civilization. Whites make weapons, Chinese make money. As do Jews.
They do have a point but the patient successful countries I know of have one race in them i.e. South Korea, Japan & China & little or no blacks to drive them impatient & eventually insane & one banned Jack Dorsey's Twitter so there might be a thing....
the most important thing is this: the more melinated your population, the more dysfunction your country will be... name one example of a melinated country that is successful and prosperous throughout history (maybe india, but it was ruled by mongols and mughals during their golden ages).