However I believe sickness shouldn't have any hold over us as Christians, Bible says if we lay hands on the sick, they'll recover.
My sister's grandmother was so fundie, she drove away her first hubby like this:
1. She was super bitch and beat him with a bible every second he was home.
2. He started drowning his suffering in a bottle at the local pub - coincidentally, a place she would never go.
3. When he would finally get home pretty drunk - she would freak out, lay hands on him, and cry to jesus ... which pissed of the now very drunk man, sometimes with her fundie church buddys egging the whole thing on.
4. He would beat her ass when she repeatedly refused to listen to his word as the head of household - who is a woman to preach the bible anyway? Shouldnt she be preggerz in the kitchen?
5. Go to step 1, repeat insanity.
Funny thing - she never got tired of it - HE did, and left her.
She is a big "faith healing" proponent, yet could not heal her ill husband. She failed to see that she is the one that started and drove him down the path of a total alcoholic asshole ...
You see, this is a great example of "belief" versus "reality."
Notice how what you believe doesn't really hold sway over the way things really are.
People have died this way. Over-zealous fundies gathered around a sick/demon possessed person, laying hands on them and praying for them, things happen, and the person dies. Too bad these people aren't based in reality, or they'd see just how stupid these beliefs are.
Yes I agree. A 'True Christian' (tm) does not require any medical assistance. If a Christian goes to the doctor instead of a priest when they are sick, they are proving that they have more faith in science than in their god.
If all Christians decided to prove their faith by not ever going to the doctor, the world would be a much better place within just a few generations.
Testing finds it has no affect. Worse, there's a slight edge to following medical advice and ignoring prayer or ritual (faith healing believers often ignore doctors advice) Placebo tratment shows better results than prayer even.
By the way the Bible says pye is 3, and that's not the Bible's biggest error even.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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