Thank God President Trump is ending the disgusting government endorsement of sodomy and homosexual sin. The Republican platform is right, when it refuses to endorse evil and immorality. Trump has great courage to defy the left.
"The Republican platform is right, when it refuses to endorse evil and immorality"
Then why did they endorse an unrepentant sinner? Trump himself never repented and continues to sin. I see. To you there is no greater sin than homosexuality and you'll endorse a candidate who is anti gay just to throw that out.
Trump has no courage and even less sense. The Disunited States of Trump lives o a diet of rhetoric entirely unrelated to either morality or logic. The "leader of the free world" becomes, by default, a toss up between Angela Merkel and the as-yet untried Macron, not the short-fingered vulgarian.
I'm going to borrow a technique from the creationists in my statement here.
If Trump is ending government endorsement of sodomy and homosexual sin, then why do we still have homosexuality?
Also Dr. Chaps, The Orange Snowflake is a Sodomite himself. He's on marriage number 3 and it wouldn't surprise me if he's had sexual relations outside of marriage. Then there is the pride, gluttony, sloth, greed, lust, wrath, and envy he is notorious for. Perhaps you should take a good look at what you're endorsing.
The weird thing is that Trump himself doesn't seem to care one way or the other about LGBT+ people. He'd throw* them in a woodchipper or make them all wealthy and powerful or anything in between, so long as it improves his position and allows him to continue to molest young women regardless of their orientation. But he threw in his lot with the big money party, so he's putting all these anti-lgbt people in power and not endorsing anything related to LGBT issues (but also not condemning them either) in hopes of keeping the Repubs from turning on him. Which is sort of working.
*He wouldn't throw them in himself, but "pay" other people to do it. Though it wouldn't be too hard to find people who wouldn't mind so much if they ended up doing it for free...
Jim Comey: "Good afternoon, Mr. President."
I'll sue their ass for leaking. Speaking of "leaking", I don't know anything about that either. Not me, uh uh. Some other guy. Sad."
Comey: "Why didn't you pay them?"
Trump: "I'm like a smart guy. I'm a star. I don't pay."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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