@STILLTish & @ArtMinx1 #transphobia twitter.com

( @STILLTish )

I am horrified by this.

I transitioned over 30 yrs ago & my body is not identifiably male. I’ve been sexually harassed and assaulted by men and I might be forced onto a … WHAT? A MAN’S WARD? This is madness!!!! I am disgusted. I’m speechless.
Law change could aid single-sex spaces - watchdog

Women have the right to male free spaces. Any male who violates this boundary is demonstrating a particular type of entitlement. Women are not surgically modified males we exist.

( @ArtMinx1 )
Only two types of men violate our boundaries; perverts or predators. The former need us in our spaces as props for their fetish, the latter as conveniently corralled prey.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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