Ann Barnhardt #fundie
Next, the sexual fetish revolving around excrement is not as uncommon as one would think. If one stops and thinks about anal sodomy, oral sodomy, and about the very common fetish among faggots for oral-anal sex (referred to as “rimming” or “eating ass”), one realizes very quickly that the consumption of excrement is common amongst faggots. In my Diabolical Narcissism video, I explain that all aberrosexualities, by definition, revolve around the demonic emotional palate of anger, hatred, jealousy and fear. Can you imagine the depths of the hatred faggots and other sex perverts must feel for their sodomitical partners, and for themselves, to ask others to do something so utterly vile as get fecal matter in their mouth? Can you imagine the depths of depravity of a human being that would consent to do such a thing themselves?
I first came across coprophilia when I read “The Pink Swastika”, a book about the homosexuality of Hitler and nearly all of the upper-level Nazis. Hitler was a sodomite, but like most sodomites did have sexual encounters with women. In Hitler’s case, there were four women that he had sexual encounters with (and Eva Braun was not one of them), and each of the four went on to attempt suicide. Two were successful in murdering themselves, two failed. What would cause women to attempt suicide after sex? Having Adolf Hitler defecate into their mouths.