Yesgaysarebullies #homophobia #dunning-kruger

This is the nasty face of lesbian militant Hazel Platzer. She is so obsessed with what she calls “gay rights” that she has no time for honesty, freedom or even science. When someone’s views collide with her mania for LGBT supremacy, she goes on the attack on all fronts.

In 2005, a professional medical researcher in UK published the results of his research revealing that there are serious health risks in homosexual behaviour, and that the government was covering up the true extent of the risks of AIDS and the danger to the general population. Platzer responded by sending a hysterical letter to the Nursing Times denouncing the medical researcher for …yes, you’ve guessed “homophobia”.

She could not actually fault his research in any respect. She could not argue with his facts, his scientific methods or his credentials, so she just screeched non-stop that he was “homophobic” and kept repeating the accusation that “homophobia harms patients” – which is of course completely untrue. There is no such thing as homophobia, and a healthy repugnance for homosexuality does you a lot of good!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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