Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy exopolitics.org
The Deep State is laying the groundwork for a major false flag event related to UFOs and cryptoterrestrials using clone armies secretly bioengineered in Deep Underground Military Bases and corporate facilities. Many of these clone assets are embedded within the waves of Illegal immigrants into the US and Europe.
Multiple former US Border Patrol agents have confirmed the open nature of the US Border and how the Biden Administration has been deliberately flooding the US with millions of illegal immigrants. A similar process has been happening in Europe due to the Deep State, which operates globally through organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and World Economic Forum.
Not many are aware that since the 1970s, clones have been created in Deep Underground Military Bases. These clones can appear to be fully human or alien, and can be used for a variety of purposes, including military combat. UFO researchers have described these clones as Programmed Life Forms. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of clones/PLFs have been created in multiple underground bases that can be released immediately in the US and worldwide. Many are embedded within the millions of illegals that have swept into the US and Europe.
When the Deep State issues the order to activate its clone armies, they can arise from underground locations to attack population centers. At the same time, Deep State assets and clones hidden among the millions of illegal immigrants will be activated, creating chaos, and overwhelming local law enforcement.
The UFO phenomenon will feature prominently in such false flag attacks, thereby preempting any intervention by genuine extraterrestrials or cryptoterrestrials that want to assist surface humanity. The Deep State’s plan is to prevent both genuine extraterrestrials and cryptoterrestrials from revealing themselves to humanity by staging a false flag event that taints both of these forms of Non-Human Intelligence and generates public fear and uncertainty.