Carrots90 , asmahan & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia #wingnut

Skinwalker Tony's U.S. Genocide Coloring Page (a/k/a "Erin's 2024 Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Map")

( Carrots90 )
I am disappointed and angry that my state looks welcoming

We do not want to encourage this

My hate should be enough to turn it Florida Black

( asmahan )
With the "do not travel" and such I think he's channeling the green book and probably compiling the map gave him the euphoria boner he always wanted from being oppressed, by appropriating the trappings of the American black experience.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Feeling so blessed that my state is not a safe place for these perverts.

"Every day, I’ve gotten messages from worried people wondering how they are supposed to assess their risk of staying in their home state."

White and straight people, rejoice! You, too, can now get on the oppression bandwagon and pretend that the public not validating the gender you picked from someone's Tumblr blog puts you on the same level as an actual oppressed person!

"The messages range from parents of trans youth wondering if their children will be taken from them"

Oh, they should. If you "trans" your child, you are abusive, dangerous, and that child should be given to a family who will accept them for who they are.

"trans teachers wondering if their jobs will be safe in coming years."

God, I hope not. Even if the "trans" teachers aren't perverts or deranged activists, do we really want someone who believes children can be born in the wrong body, and require unethical medical interventions to "fix" them, around kids?

"Sometimes people just want to know if there is a safer state they can move to nearby."

Keep in mind, these people aren't in any actual danger. They want to know which states uphold their ideology. That's it.

"Now more than ever, it is a question that needs answering for so many transgender people facing forced medical detransition,"

OK, that is not happening. At all. Detrainsitioners are choosing to do so because they've wised up and realized this "transgender" bullshit is just that - bullshit. No doctor is forcing someone to detransition. But hey, whatever gets you hard, Tony.




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