David Cole #fundie facebook.com

(=Regarding Polymorou Christians=)

David Cole: Being faithful to ones covenants is a core to sexual morality. Not matter how much bloggers like to squirm to justify their actions the definitions of immorality does not change.

Kathy Ruth: Where is the immorality ?

David Cole: Do you think it's moral to break ones covenants ?

DL Weiss: Yes David Cole, it is immoral to break ones promises, covenants, not keeping promises, be dishonest, be deceptive, etc. All that is immoral. But may I ask, di you read the article about Polymory ? Because no where in polymory is any of that allowed, or considered "okay" behaviour. Honesty, forthrightness, candidness, love -- these are the attributes to polymory, not what you have said. Either you do not understand the matter (which is still parr for the course, mostly), or you are deliberately misrepresenting polymory for your own reasons.

David Cole: Having more than one covenant partner is not covenant keeping.



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