Various Commenters #racist #wingnut
RE: World Grows Less Accepting of Migrants
Overall, the world is slightly less accepting of migrants today than it was three years ago, according to Gallup’s latest update of its Migrant Acceptance Index. Many of the countries leading the global downturn have been on the receiving end of the mass exodus of Venezuelans. Scores dropped more than two full points in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, which have absorbed millions of Venezuelans since 2015. Scores also declined in India, where controversial laws went into effect in late 2019 that provided paths to citizenship for migrants — excluding Muslims.
Wow, what a shock. The nations that accept migrants the most are America, Australia and Western Europe. They've learned NOTHING these past years!
Poland is on the 'migrant acceptance list' because they've taken in about two million Ukrainians, not Somalis. Sanity prevails.
I've heard from Polish people that even this many Ukrainians--despite being white and Slavic--is causing some issues.
Ukrainians moving into a Poland that's moving up economically puts pressure on the poorest Poles. I think the Polish economy will be able to navigate through this- they work the EU for its economic benefits without surrendering their sovereignty.
(Fr. John+)
Hungary 1.64 Serbia 1.79 Croatia 1.81 Bosnia and Herzegovina* 1.85 Montenegro 1.87 Latvia 2.25
Thanks. All great countries for WHITE Christians, in other words.... The USA should get a clue.
(Ivan Dragić)
Proud to be Croat. Next year we'll win some medal boys!
These Balkan countries have had nothing but negative experiences with migrant invaders for 1,000 years. A millennium of invasions and unwelcome occupations. Other than the migrants already there, how can even ONE white Croat, Serb, Montenegrin, Slovene or whoever be in favor of any non-white?