Sean Casteel/Timothy Green Beckley #ufo #crackpot #psycho

Why did the gods of old demand blood sacrifices? Of what use to them was the spilled blood of the innocent? And if we examine the more modern state of affairs in Ufology and the paranormal, specifically with regard to the chupacabras/”goat sucker” invasion that took place in the 1990s in Mexico, Puerto Rico and South America, can we truthfully say that this lust for blood on the part of the Ultra-Terrestrials has ever ceased?

These are some of the many questions asked in the newest offering from Inner Light/Global Communications, an ample, weighty tome called “Alien Blood Lust: Are There Vampires In Space?” Once again, publisher, editor and author Timothy Green Beckley takes aim at the warm and fuzzy approach to the aliens and makes his case for a negative, even monstrous, interpretation.

The book opens with Beckley’s characteristic frankness.

“Blood is to some Ultra-Terrestrials what water is to mankind,” he begins. “The flesh and blood of humans – and animals, for that matter, when nothing ‘more upscale’ makes itself available – could be the snack of the gods. Is there a rationale for such a bizarre statement?

“I would say so,” Beckley continues, “and it is a concept that is after all supported by the evidence presented by our primary author, Scott Corrales, as well as our team of seasoned researchers, in what is certain to be a provocative volume.

“Blood may be necessary for at least some Ultra-Terrestrials to drink or ingest through transfusion in order for them to survive while ‘adrift’ in our physical world,” Beckley added. “They may be trespassers from a parallel dimension or alternative universe where blood in its various forms has become a requisite to survival while ‘stationed’ here, in effect making them Vampires from Space.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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