Ray Comfort #fundie charismanews.com

Filmmaker and author Ray Comfort has to revise his outreach plans to atheists, according to Washington, D.C., police—or face arrest.

The best-selling author then decided to cancel the outreach event, though they would still be filming at the Washington Monument. He added, "Our crew is only 17 people, so we don't need a permit if we go there as individuals. The Reason Rally is free and open to the public, so if any other groups of individuals show up on their own initiative they won't need a permit either or be arrested if they approach atheists."

Comfort added that he can see the perspective of the police. "To authorities, Christians and atheists are enemies. So they want to keep us apart for the sake of peace, especially with more serious threats facing America. That's understandable. But at the same time I'm a little frustrated because I have a very good relationship with atheists."



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