Cliff Kincaid #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

President Barack Obama has issued a declaration on human sexuality and what constitutes moral and mental health for the nation. He is warning Christian parents that the federal government wants their kids.

This is not how the story is being reported, however. For example, a story in Politico carries the headline, "Barack Obama denounces 'conversion therapies' for gays," with the words "conversion therapies" in quotes, as if to suggest there's some doubt that homosexuals can return to being straight. This is all too typical of the mentality that grips the major media and is designed to suggest that homosexuality is somehow natural and cannot be changed. But honest journalism, which is virtually non-existent when covering homosexuality, would take a different approach to the topic.


The other side of the story would include reporting that Obama's political proclamation in favor of outlawing sexual-orientation change therapy not only constitutes crass exploitation of the terrible suicide of a mixed-up young person named Joshua Alcorn but serves as an indictment of his Christian parents. Joshua was confused about his sexuality and had begun referring to himself as a girl, Leelah. The parents had tried to get help for the troubled 17-year-old before he committed suicide.

The implication of the Politico-style reporting on this topic is that being "homosexual and transgender" is a fact of life that cannot be changed. That's false. But the media just can't bring themselves to report the facts.

Politico says the parents in this case found religious therapists who "attempted to convert her [Leelah] back into a boy." This, too, is false. The child was a boy. Politico calls him "a transgender girl," another falsehood.

In essence, Obama is proposing to ban parents, on a national basis, from seeking help for their children when they go through confusing times or have sexual problems. This is the totalitarian mind-set of the gay rights movement and its supporters.


From Obama's perspective, these parents stand in the way of creating an army of "LGBT" young people who will forever be grateful to the President for standing up for their "rights." Like the dope smokers in Colorado, participating in what Obama calls an "experiment," these young people constitute another Democratic Party constituency. Obama doesn't seem concerned, however, about the consequences of their immoral behavior. After all, he was a heavy dope smoker and look what happened to him and where he ended up.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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