
Maria-Erlinda Martinez #fundie aim.org

Have We Lost the Cultural War? HELL NO!!! There are out there about 90 million citizens of voting age that don’t vote, 40 million of them being Evangelicals who don’t participate in politics in the belief that --with they doing nothing on their own-- God will fix it for them. The vast majority of those 90M are non-leftists, as the entire leftist population has been voting consistently, and DemocRAT, in the general elections since 2008. It was then when their messiah, their “perfect storm” appeared in scene: 1- Obama the consummate Leninist adherent and operative; 2- Obama, the Islamist sympathizer; and, 3- Obama, the anti-white hyper-racist black with a mega-chip on his shoulder and an obsessively messianic thirst of revenge on “white-America”.

Those 90M are spread all over the country, with some of them in your personal circle: relatives, coworkers, friends, neighbors, church fellows, sports and hobby pals, etc.

Thus, instead of just whining and moaning that we lost this or that war, do your part and go and get them...and tell others to do the same!!!

Jeanine Schaefer #fundie aim.org

People confuse Christian liberties and rights with merely the the ability to worship in their own home or house of worship, but have NO problem with expressing EVERY secular thought (secularism is a religion to itself,so is Atheism), at all times, with NO restraint at all. They give NO thought about pushing THEIR religion down everyone else's throats, but since they are NOT Christian, no one freaks out about it.

Religion-1)something one BELIEVES in and follows devotedly;
2)a point or matter of ethics or conscience:

secularism - the BELIEF that religion and religious bodies
should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public
institutions, especially schools

Athiesm, A BELIEF that there is no God. Some say that the proper term is LACK of BELIEF in God, but either way, it is a BELIEF or LACK OF BELIEF, still makes it a belief system. It is semantics, really..they mean the same
thing. I hear some retort with if Atheism is a religion, then bald is a hair color.....but bald is the scalp itself that you couldn't see, when it was covered with HAIR, Then if the hair is lost or cut off (or hasn't grown in, yet), THEN the person is bald. The color is irrelevant.......that is just BAD reasoning skills!

THe culture war has been going on for DECADES. Whether its acclimating people to homosexual "normalcy" on television with a few "nonthreatening" characters in the 70's and 80's and and introducing more and more through Hollywood as people accept ideas through the movies and their tv's, no matter how ridiculous.

Cliff Kincaid #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia aim.org

President Barack Obama has issued a declaration on human sexuality and what constitutes moral and mental health for the nation. He is warning Christian parents that the federal government wants their kids.

This is not how the story is being reported, however. For example, a story in Politico carries the headline, "Barack Obama denounces 'conversion therapies' for gays," with the words "conversion therapies" in quotes, as if to suggest there's some doubt that homosexuals can return to being straight. This is all too typical of the mentality that grips the major media and is designed to suggest that homosexuality is somehow natural and cannot be changed. But honest journalism, which is virtually non-existent when covering homosexuality, would take a different approach to the topic.


The other side of the story would include reporting that Obama's political proclamation in favor of outlawing sexual-orientation change therapy not only constitutes crass exploitation of the terrible suicide of a mixed-up young person named Joshua Alcorn but serves as an indictment of his Christian parents. Joshua was confused about his sexuality and had begun referring to himself as a girl, Leelah. The parents had tried to get help for the troubled 17-year-old before he committed suicide.

The implication of the Politico-style reporting on this topic is that being "homosexual and transgender" is a fact of life that cannot be changed. That's false. But the media just can't bring themselves to report the facts.

Politico says the parents in this case found religious therapists who "attempted to convert her [Leelah] back into a boy." This, too, is false. The child was a boy. Politico calls him "a transgender girl," another falsehood.

In essence, Obama is proposing to ban parents, on a national basis, from seeking help for their children when they go through confusing times or have sexual problems. This is the totalitarian mind-set of the gay rights movement and its supporters.


From Obama's perspective, these parents stand in the way of creating an army of "LGBT" young people who will forever be grateful to the President for standing up for their "rights." Like the dope smokers in Colorado, participating in what Obama calls an "experiment," these young people constitute another Democratic Party constituency. Obama doesn't seem concerned, however, about the consequences of their immoral behavior. After all, he was a heavy dope smoker and look what happened to him and where he ended up.

Cliff Kincaid #fundie aim.org

Rather than debate whether “gay conservatives” exist or ought to have prominent speaking roles, CPAC should be sponsoring a panel on the dangers of the homosexual movement and why some of its members seem prone to violence, terror, and treason.

Mark Musser #conspiracy aim.org

In a word, the Nazi quest for Lebensraum in the East was an early pioneering attempt at what is today called the Green Economy. It was a backward eco-imperial plan of Aryan sustainable development, all at the expense of Jews and Slavs, and all dressed up in the latest scientific vocabulary of the day.