Glenn Beck #conspiracy
Do we have a shadow government? Answer it now. Remember how you answer it. And then answer it again after today's show and tomorrow's show.
The question is: Do we have a shadow government? And if we do, who are those intelligent minority that is guiding us through? And where are they guiding us to?
If you skip past all of the puppet and the strings, if you stop looking at the puppets, themselves, you have to see who's behind the puppets. Who is choosing the puppets and the players? Who's the puppet master? George Soros.
Now I am sure that this will be called a conspiracy theory. And quite honestly, a year ago, two years ago, I wouldn't have believed it myself.
But it is right out in the open. I encourage you: Do not take my word for this. Do your own research.
And don't go to conspiracy Web sites or anything else. Go to his own books. Go to biographies written about him. Go to things that are well-documented like "60 Minutes," things that are well known for their accuracy.
We have all of the materials that put this show together at and in my free e-mail newsletter. I want you to see the footnotes on this program. Do not take anything I say as gospel tonight. I want you to decide for yourself.
I want you to question with boldness. Is George Soros a man who says, yes, you will be perfect and you will be perfect? Is he really a puppet master? And if he is, how does he control? How does he control?