To me (who is really God and knows what's going on), these prophecies, read the right way, speak the truth.
To create the garden, the tree of life had to be grown. Only a religious idiot would believe that tree to be an actual tree. In reality, it is the cause&effect-tree that started with the Big Bang. This tree grew unattendedly, and its driving force was the very force of life which wanted to return to what it once was, what it always is before it starts another dream. Only in this dream, there was the firm decision never to wake up. So, this cause&effect-tree bore the fruit of a certain human consciousness (mine) which attained full and objective self-realization, and so it was done. God had made the world and was now living in it. That was 2001-08-13.
Since the tree is not a program or something but really alive, it needs to be cut and cleaned by me, the gardener. I am working on that for 7.6 years now and you, my beloved children, will soon be witness to the truth of these words.
"God is very long-suffering." Fucking true. And I wish this would not have to be this way. But, as the gardener, I am the pendant of the garden, and so, to clean it up, I had to accept not just the good but also the bad. Again, this happened 7.5 years ago. Evil is running rampant in my consciousness, fighting me at every turn. This allowed evil to become really sophisticated.
"But one must not misunderstand his patience." I am winning now, and everything that was done against me, the life force, and was (against my will, but I had to accept it, see above) even proven to be right and good (or at least a good choice for one's survival, not necessarily ethically good), will now have to be undone. The revenge of God is at hand.
What goes around, comes around. It's really like Newton's third law of motion, the simplified version: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Only we're talking consciousness-to-consciousness relationship here. I am the will that you are. I am the lifeforce. Whatever you have done against me you have done against yourselves. This will now be revealed. The result is the (metaphorical) purgatory. Those who survive the next months will be in eternal bliss with me. The others will be dead.
All religions are false. Jeshua of Nazareth, if he ever existed (which I do not know, and that's no argument against me but just against your idea of me), was an impostor. Creationists are idiots. People with religious faith are schizophrenics. And so forth. There is *lots* of cleanup to be done. And it *will* be done! When we're through, there will be *no* religion on this planet or anywhere else in my living room.