Various commenters #quack

Did You Get Vaccinated?
Did you get the covid 19 vaccine?

Me I did not. I avoided it like the fucking plague and did not give in to all of the coercion and shaming tactics.

I had covid April this year and recovered within 2 weeks.

All of the lockdowns masks and vaccines were completely unnecessary and I will never forgive the people who did it.

(Mystic B)
Better dead than kiked

the vAccine can turn you gay

you can get turned on by men

No, i´m not a follower of »insert current kike trend«
Now that the dust has settled, memoryholed psyop made to differentiate true human beings from subhumans according to kike hegemony.
Many have submitted to self-annihilation.
It won´t be long before the antichrist is revealed to the world.

i am pure blooded, i had coronavirus once and now i'm immune, while the vaccinated are getting sick every five minutes

Never have, never will. Fuck modern society, they are fucking cowards with their face masks and worry.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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