Not only do the people behind this group not believe in God but they obviously don’t believe in decency, civility and kindness to fellow human kind either. This is part of a continued “War on Christmas” and also upon the belief and value system of millions of Christian, Jewish and Muslim people who have faith in God. Religious persecution of the kind that similarly lead to the Holocaust began with small evil baby steps of ridicule and hatred of the religious beliefs of others.
You related, by any chance, to that guy who decided to respond to this alleged War on Christmas by gunning down a bunch of tiny children and their teachers just in time to leave their parents staring at unopened presents under their Christmas trees?...
Let's have a moment of silence to commemorate all those who lost their lives in the fictional "War on Christmas."
Andrew, while Jews, Christians and Muslims do all worship the same god, Christmas is not part of the religious traditions of Jews or Muslims.
What war on Christmas? People still celebrate it. It just happens to be not everyone does. When someone says happy holidays to one of your ilk, many of you will screech and holler. Hell one woman was punched for saying happy holidays while working for the Salvation Army.
"Religious persecution of the kind that similarly lead to the Holocaust began with small evil baby steps of ridicule and hatred of the religious beliefs of others."
This is absolutely true. Which is why you should stop hating non Christians :)
Gosh,so any criticism, no matter how strong, is to be considered persecution? Really? What stupidity!
Most Swedes believe in decency, civility and kindness to fellow human kind. We have no war on Christmas, or rather Yule; WE LOVE IT!!!
Religious persecution of the kind that similarly lead to the Holocaust? You mean Christianity? That's the only religious persecution that has ever lead to the Holocaust.
Religious persecution of the kind that similarly lead to the Holocaust
Godwin! You FAIL!
Sorry, Bullshit like this discourages believing in decency, civility and kindness.
But let's see what Grumpy Cat thinks...
I concur.
"Not only do the people behind this group not believe in God but they obviously don’t believe in decency, civility and kindness to fellow human kind either"
Hey, we're not the ones who proclaimed it to be moral when firefighters stood by and let someone's house burn down over $75 dollars.
"Religious persecution of the kind that similarly lead to the Holocaust..."
Note you said "religious" persecution led to the holocaust. Atheism isn't a religion, so quit trying to blame the Holocaust on atheism.
"I am the light of the world"
"After three days, he rose"
"Three wise men, following a star in the east."
Am I persecuting you when I point out that your Christmas is based on the temple secrets for determining the date of the Winter Solstice and the celebration thereof?
Who started this war again? Have some mulled wine and a sprig of Holly and STFU.
Somebody wished you "Happy Holidays." "Holiday" comes from "holy day," observed by refraining from work. If you object to such a greeting, you don't see the days as holy, so you have no right to complain about any war against religion.
Yes. First the Nazis started saying Happy Holidays and then came the gas chambers. Decent, kind people always say Merry Christmas, otherwise you're guilty of initiating genocide.
And who knew the "War on Christmas" also targeted Jews and Muslims?
War on Christmas? Forget the Xmas war, there's a war on Hanukkah!
No one ever says Happy Hanukkah, they just say Merry Christmas! Do you have any idea how OFFENSIVE that is to the millions of Jews in the US? [/genius]
Please do not try again.
Christians invented the whole "war on Christmas" thing because they felt they weren't being persecuted enough.
It's funny to hear Christians talk about how "Jesus is the reason for the season" as they rush out and charge up their credit cards at 3 AM on Black Friday buying crap to put under their Christmas tree and then tell their kids that Santa brought it.
@Old Viking
"Didn't you get the memo? The War on Christmas is over. We won ."
Yup. We won. As I look around my area recently, I see people tearing down lights and decorations. Stores have ceased to play the hymns of commercialism, and people are even taking their presents back to the stores they came from. The streets are lined with the dead trees, dragged out of the houses of those defeated.
(We won. At least until mid-October...)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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