Highly overreported. Too many Drs & Nurses blowing the whistle. A piece of fruit was tested possitive. A personal friend got tested 3 times, all came back negative, his physician still pronounced C19 & reported as such.
If this bug were bad I'd be dead you pussy. So would my kid. So would my friend's 77 year old dad. So would my personal friend with 3 negatives that his doc still reported as C19.
Start detoxing that piece of swiss cheese you use for a frontal lobe. Diatomaceous earth gets the metals, (buy food grade). Fluoride which is the binding agent that carries lead, strontium, aluminum, mercury, etc. past the brain blood barrier & conveniently deposits them in your now crippled logic center can be detoxed w/ iodine in your diet. Seaweed, kelp & especially shellfish are good sources.
Good luck 85.
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