[re: net neutrality]
We are dealing with people who think they should rebel until they get their little kingdom like Satan did. You know what? Thanks, Mr. President, but I think we're going to keep the Internet the way it is right now. You know — or at least until people who are worshipping Satan, you know, aren't in office . [Emphasis added]
We are dealing with people who think they should rebel until they get their little kingdom like Satan did.
Satan is a fictional character from a book of myths. What is silly is that you are a Mormon. Dont you know that the founder of Mormonism used to put a rock in his hat, put his face into his hat, and then "read the rock" to "prophecy" things..and ignorant people like yourself considered it a legitimate way to acquire factual knowledge? LOL, you are a gullible dupe.
You know what? Thanks, Mr. President, but I think we're going to keep the Internet the way it is right now.
What makes you think it is only ONE PERSON doing this? Do you not understand how America works? Oh wait, its Glenn Beck. Carry on people. Nothing to see or learn here.
You know or at least until people who are worshipping Satan, you know, aren't in office.
First he is a Marxist, then he is a brown shirt Nazi, then he is a Muslim, now he is a Satanist. How did you come across this information? Did the rock in your hat tell you?
It's probably for the best that I don't watch his show... or listen to his radio show. I didn't vote for Obamaman, but is Glen actually saying that he worships Satan?
I'm sure there are people who believe him. Sad...
@ Reverend Jeremiah, to be fair, the Urim and Thummim were magic rocks fastened to something resembling a large pair of gold spectacles (though whether that makes Joseph Smith Jr's religion any less laughable is an open question).
Teh Press'dent worships the debbil, HURR DURR!
The frightening thing is that this probably resonates with someone out there.
Um. Satan worship, eh? *backs slowly away from the screen*
Was he trying to be ironic? "Obama is concerned about misinformation on the internet--oh, and he worships Satan, by the way, hur hurr!"
@ Mr Spak
Nice one, Mr. Spak. LOL
I thought there was a law about this.
You know, flat out lying in an attempt to slander someone. I'm sure there's something about network TV not being allowed to do that.
As it was with Healthcare Reform, so it is with Net Neutrality: Telcoms are working with faux grassroots organizations and rightwing media personalities to argue against NN by arguing that NN is THE OPPOSITE of what it actually is. Not sure what the hell Glenda is carrying on about here, but you can be sure he's trying to sell a shit sandwich by telling people how good it tastes.
Wait... did Glenn Beck just claim that Obama worships Satan?
And really, what's so bad about net neutrality? Freedom of speech is one of the foundations of this country.
That is 17 kinds of batshit insane. It amused me that ATT is trying to recruit librarians to oppose Net Neutrality. Methinks they know nothing about librarians' professional ethics or the people who choose the profession. I think I'm stealing the analogy from Jim Hightower, but not passing a NN law would be akin to allowing ATT to interrupt your call to Dominos to tell you Pizza Hut is there preferred provider and degrading the quality of your call to Dominos.
Now that Lewis Black called out Glenn Beck for the most insane Godwin of all time, Glenn is switching to Satan?
I think Skynet needs to pull him in for reprogramming. He's malfunctioning badly enough to give away his cyborg status. I wonder which technician got fired for spilling a latte on the circuit board before they closed his head up?
@Mister Spak:
But Beck wants to keep the Internet the way it is right now, which is essentially net neutral. So Beck is basically arguing that we should keep the internet the way it is right now by not having the government legislate to ensure companies keep the internet the way it is right now.
Which pretty much seals the case for Beck not having the faintest idea what he's talking about.
I wonder what the percentage is of people in the world who actually worship satan. It seems to me that if you believe in magical things you would side with the good guy. Who would honestly believe that god and satan both exist and then worship the one that will torture you for all eternity? Does that make any sense at all?
You either believe in magic or you don't and, either way, Glen Beck is a stupid as you can get.
You know, Obama could walk on water, and then turn it into wine, and these people would still be screaming about him being a Satan-Worshipping Antichrist (Yes, I'm aware of the implications of the statement, it's intentional.)
At the end of the transcript, you can see where he tried to backpedal and claim he hadn't just called the Obama administration satan worshippers. Apparently, he was prompted to do so by production, and is blaming it on a bad cut.
We've finally found it, people. We've finally found the line where Fox News thinks it isn't fair and balanced.
beck, you fucking idiot, net neutrality does keep the internet the way it is so that providers can't give priority access to paid sponsors. i hate how the right wingnuts are against this solely because they think obama wants it
Is it even possible to give serious consideration to a supposedly grown man, a presumably fully-functioning adult who has been raised in a modern civilization, yet thinks Satan is real? What a cretinous dimwit.
Obama's a satanist now? It's incredible that he's able to squeeze that in between being a secret Muslim, being a liberal elitist who's trying to take away our guns, palling around with terrorists, running death panels, and being a communist socialist Nazi. Say what you will but, a president that hard-working is 180 degrees removed from Bush Jr. who took vacations every other week.
"We are dealing with people who think they should rebel until they get their little kingdom like Satan did."
Let's put this into context:
Satan = citizens who want to maintain net neutrality
God = large corporations
little kingdom = the United States of America
You know, Beck just seems to spewing more and more shit out of his mouth to try and attract attention. I don't understand the mindset at all, of course I stopped being a toddler years ago. If Fox wants to redeem themselves in any way, they'll send him to get a lobotomy and keep him under close surveillance for the next 25 years. And seriously, calling the president a Satanist? It's like someone else posted in their Obama poster joke, make up your mind, he can't be all five.
> Thanks, Mr. President, but I think we're going to keep the Internet the way it is right now.
Excellent, I agree with this to an extent - the net is just fine right now, we just need to make sure it won't get any worse. Though, this may or may not need legislative efforts. It probably does.
This comment would be infinitely easier to stomach if you had proven you actually understand the issue at hand, mr. Beck. Care to demonstrate what you're talking about?
> You know or at least until people who are worshipping Satan, you know, aren't in office.
...you don't. I see.
There's two ways to ruin a net neutrality debate:
1) Talk about a series of tubes.
2) Talk about Satan in the White House.
Congratulations, mr. Beck, you found a new one!
"We are dealing with people who think they should rebel until they get their little kingdom like Satan did. You know what? Thanks, Mr. President, but I think we're going to keep the Internet the way it is right now. You know or at least until people who are worshipping Satan, you know, aren't in office."
You've discovered 4chan, haven't you Glenn? Enjoy your stay in the Hell's Sewer of the internet.
Yeah, this Beckvomit is in response of the Democrats making a stand against repeated Republican attempts to control and privatize (read: Republican big business such as Murdock) the free and equal access that exists today.
The Republican plans would price it out of the average users budget and eliminate all them pesky bloggers and sites (such as MediaMatters ) who provide evidence of the rampant dishonesty and freedom restrictions that are the Republicans agenda.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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