various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
"I do not hesitate to declare that I regard the men who today draw the folkish movement into the crisis of religious quarrels as worse enemies of my people than any international Communist.
Whether consciously or unconsciously is immaterial, he is a fighter for Jewish interests. For it is to the Jewish interest today to make the folkish movement bleed to death in a religious struggle at the moment when it is beginning to become a danger for the Jew."
- The forbidden philosopher
Subversives start fights with other pro-Whites over Christianity/Paganism. These shills are easy to spot because they never go after the "one race, the human race" conservatives.
( @VictoryValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race Race first and last. We must put our people first, what matters right now is unity and victory.
( @Giovanni_Scipione )
@Nature_and_Race Hitler was a holy man, he still is.
( @John_Knox )
@Giovanni_Scipione @Nature_and_Race no he wasn't. he was a genius but he was no saint. Ultimately he was just a cog in the jewish machine. The jews wanted ww2 and he gave it to them.
( @Screw_Your_Optics )
@Nature_and_Race I'm just tired of being told by zealots that I'll have to convert or die soon and of the Hebrew Israelite stuff that totally ignores the OT as the historical account of why Jews are always hated that it really is. I think the original National Socialists were right in the religious reforms they attempted to try to unify Germany more properly.
( @Bran_Lateberie )
@Nature_and_Race Nah. Jews got kicked from 109? Countries. Who let them in?
Hitler’s greatest mistake was not following the jew money back to the Vatican Bank.
( @Bran_Lateberie )
@Nature_and_Race Name a Jew in power.
I will name the Judeo-Catholic who put him into power.
( @Bannedguy )
@Nature_and_Race since I'm not an international communist working for Jewish interests, I support temporary alliances between folks of different faiths to fight a common enemy. Now tell me where I can go sign up for the revolution.👁️👁️