Infostormer #racist
[From "The Daily Stormer Needs Your Support to Stay Online"]
As many of you reading my site already know, I have been a regular contributor to the Daily Stormer since 2014. Since that time it has become the most censored website in the history of the Internet. Primarily due to the fact that it has been the most effective site at exposing the problems we have with the Jewish race along with the follies that Jew-promoted multiculturalism has brought to White European nations. It’s been banned from numerous services and had its web domain yanked around 20 separate times.
Now due to issues with their ddos protection provider Bitmitigate, the site is unable to remain up on the normal Internet. It is currently only available on Tor via the Tor browser.
The Jewish establishment is hell-bent on shutting down anyone who criticizes them. And this particular situation appears to be backlash to the Daily Stormer and other people exposing how TheRightStuff.Biz has been totally compromised by feds and crazy weirdos.
Here’s a Tor link to the Daily Stormer article that details the entire fiasco.
We live in some dark times for sure. The Jews and their treacherous allies are attempting to lock down the entire Internet and prevent any criticism of them from being published. We must not let that happen.