SandraHelena39 #transphobia

(Submitters note: responding to )

- we exist so we aren't restructuring anything , terfling
-you change the names you use for married couples all the time, this is no different, but then it's easy cuz it's cishets
-only bigots think they lose rights by minorities gaining them
-blockers are reversible.

Nice try

1. no one denies you exist and you most certainly are forcing everyone to restructure reality by denying the objective empirical FACT of biological sex & claiming that MEN can actually be lesbians because they claim to be women. You’re a bunch of deranged lunatics.

2. changing names upon marriage is a CHOICE. Women don't CHOOSE to be labeled "menstruators," "vulva owners" & “chest feeders.” 3. Trans people have all the rights everyone else does. FORCING abused women in prisons & shelters to be housed alongside MEN is not a “right.”

FORCING girls & women to compete against boys & men in sports is not a “right.” Pumping children with drugs & medicalizing them for life before they’re not even old enuf to marry, vote, drive or drink is NOT a “right.”

Rotten try.



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