Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: Handwringing over “Don’t Say Gay” bills
( Marmorsymphata )
The establishment Right is getting what they wanted unfortunately. If only the left had a single clue that they're fulfilling bigots' wildest dreams by advocating all the things that used to be fake fearmongering stereotypes about the LGB in the form of transsexualism in children. It has somehow against all laws of reality come to pass that yes, extremists ARE converting children. Extremists ARE telling children to hide interactions with their teachers from their parents. Extremists ARE harming children's health with profane advice like binding. They ARE trying to expose little girls to little boys.

It really feels like the Earth got sucked into a wormhole somewhere between 2012 and 2016 and now we've landed in Bizarro world.

( Laila_Salem )
So the Mayan prophecy about the world ending in 2012 had some truth to it after all!

( mountainwitch )
It's really scary to be seeing this shift in the left. I now consider myself more center-aligned than left at this point, because the left is so far out of whack and doesn't even seem to understand basic reality. I was raised to be extremely liberal but the Id-pol cancer has eaten away at the left so much that there is nothing recognizable or tangible within their "goals".

Republicans have always been crazy but at the very least they are focused on reality. That's why they have been so successful whenever they get into power. None of this sidestepping and handwringing that leftists do whenever faced with policy or enacting change. I hate to say it but those damn rightwing nutjobs get shit done, evil as it may be.

( aerialstrike )
It's absolutely ludicrous to promote transsexualism and homosexuality at the same time because they're completely antithetical to one another. Transsexualism was originally invented as a way to "fix" homosexuals, and now they're considered to be the same thing ("LGBTQ++") and this shit is going on where conservatives leverage homophobia and liberals (or what centrists pass for "liberal" in the U.S.) are too braindead to notice what's going on, or simply don't care because they don't have a clue about what transsexualism truly is. Apparently there's no room for analysis between "traditional heterosexualist gender roles" and "everyone be free to express your damaged identities!"



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