various commenters #transphobia

Everything is someone else's fault.

( hellamomzilla )
I’m waiting for the tsunami wave of suicides by mentally ill people claiming to be the opposite sex. They keep telling us and telling us and it suspiciously never seems to materialize.

But all these people seem to have so much time to make shit up and threaten people. Most of us have lives — families, friends, jobs, volunteer obligations, etc.

Pro tip great pretenders: Fill up your lives and you won’t have all this time to ruminate on your made up violent fantasy world.

( TheExorcistofLies )
Narcissists rarely make good on their threats of suicide. It’s just a bargaining chip for them to get what they want.

( namithe1st )
Your mental health issues are not my fault. My conscience couldn’t be clearer.

( Thelnebriati )
If you are in an abusive relationship and he threatens suicide, he is actually threatening to kill you. This situation is more like an abusive relationship than a civil rights movement.

( SummerGrl )
People who go around blaming suicide on other people are just awful people themselves. I saw this post on Reddit yesterday basically telling terfs they're going to commit suicide. It was absolutely disgusting. TRAs think they are these wonderful people, but they cause a lot of harm to anyone who doesn't agree with them. If this isn't encouraging suicide, I don't know what it. And this is from a TRA against "terfs":

( Faustina )
So I'm I going to be arrested and charged with murder because I know a man in a dress is still a man?



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